Monday, April 20, 2020

Yearbook Season

1970 Borah High School Yearbook - Classmates

What a weird year?! Everything is different I don't know what I would do if I was a graduating senior this year. Actually, yes I do, I would go with the flow that's what you do when you're in high school even in college end up going with the flow more often than not. Interestingly however I have noticed a meme develop in the Facebook arena which is everybody is posting their yearbook graduation images. This is cool if you have such an image. Oddly I don't. High school was so bizarre for me (I've written a number of posts about the fact that high school that I graduated from was actually the crosstown rival from the school are supposed to graduate from but could not because of the major architectural barriers to a student in a wheelchair). The the bizarreness gets even more strange when one considers the fact that I did not I was not able to graduate with my class because of being held back a year for the time I was in rehabilitation following my accident.

I cannot remember how much the cost of the 1970 yearbook was to the students I think it was something like $15 or something 1970 dollars. I'd gotten to know the students I went to school with of course and I wanted a yearbook and I got one. Sadly like so many other events of my life of which I majorly participated in I did not get visual recognition. I think I still have that yearbook somewhere in my library but I haven't been able to put my hands on it this year. It's my fifty-year anniversary of my graduation from good old Borah high school. Where high was a big school I think I graduating class was something like 1200 students it was a long commencement. At the time I didn't really think a lot about what was going on. Since I really didn't live in the school district I didn't go to a lot of the end of the year functions. I did go to junior senior prom, and some of those kind of things. But overall I just kind of quietly slipped out of view. I'm currently sifting through all the images I have in my photo journals/albums and chaotic mess and I know I have some cap and gown images that outpost one of these first days maybe not hear it on Facebook. It's kind of sad though even though I graduated from high school I didn't really want to I'm glad that I did and actually I do have a warm spot in my heart for high school and Borah high specifically. I actually thought about going online and purchasing a yearbook and I was amazed to see yearbooks going from (1970 Safari) $75-$200. I guess it's a scalpers market for people who desperately want to capture their yearbooks. Also through my library again and see if somewhere my yearbooks been misplaced and then find some quiet time and wander through the pages of the year I was there but somewhat invisible…

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