Thursday, April 02, 2020

Choose Him Choose Him!

I have to admit I'm get more than a little spooked as this Covid 19 continues to rattle its way down through humanity. People are beginning to die in large quantities or they seem large when reported . Even in the thousands compared to the millions it's just a drop in the bucket certainly makes great press. This seems to be very little real news anymore just bits and snippets because the world's got its hands full of the virus. Even as I write this I cannot fully grasp the size of what seems to be happening. I got a give this country/the world credit in that everyone is trying to work together at this point however at getting the realize and think that if this pandemic gets any worse social courtesy I think will begin to erode.

It only starts out as a suggestion or thought planted in the ether and little by little the thought tends to take hold and then grow. Couple weeks ago United States Christian right or FOXNews one the same, in my opinion, just made the suggestion however slight that possibly Seniors should think about considering ending their own life so that the younger population might survive. Actually the news report that I saw was by an elected official who is like 70 years old indicating that he would gladly die our offer up his life so that his grandkids might survive. Wow! That is more than hard to argue with not sound like a creep but you know what, I am a creep! At least try to be honest and say that I don't think I would sacrifice that. I don't think I would take a bullet for the kids or grandkids. I would rather let nature take its course one where the other. Again not to get to paranoid or conspiratorial theory type what if, just what if this virus was engineered by A government who wanted to get rid of their seniors. I suppose that's bizarre thinking but sometimes I just wonder.

I am writing this post at the time where I usually meet with a number of the folks here at the apartment complex in a group called Coffee Social,An interesting exercise in socialization. Most of the people there are older than I am which gives me a good perspective when I think I'm wandering away from what is real too far. These folks are fairly conservative and it wouldn't surprise me if it was for saving their grandchildren that would be lined up at the door to the crematorium.I mean is not the ultra stick thing to say “I would give my life for you”? My mom often said that I didn't spend much time thinking about it until lately. She probably would've but they talked a lot like that in the old days. I don't know what would happen if they really had to be put to the test. I'm going to remember this question and bring it up at the next coffee social if we ever have another one. I think the new normal is going look a lot different than the old normal.

Sad to say I kind of feel like the bear in the Gary Larson cartoon, even sadder to say I'm the bear doing the pointing…

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