Thursday, April 16, 2020

Gut Punched

I'm a much bigger whiner than I ever thought and never has this been brought to my attention since this last earthquake which is about a month ago. I'm very definitely calling the beginning of this phenomenon the earthquake. I'm designating the beginning of this phenomenon at least a starting point. This morning as I was getting ready for my day – – it's Thursday and that's the in between day as far as my home health folks go – – but all of a sudden I thought I heard my neighbor upstairs what I thought was fine out of his chair. Steve, my upstairs neighbor is a good guy just kind wears me out sometimes. I'm very much aware of his presence however. Whenever he flushes the toilet my whole unit shakes or seems to at least appear in the bathroom. This morning, as I said, I just shaved and was bopping around the apartment getting ready get dressed actually I was in the middle of dressing with one leg in my shorts. When I hear what I thought was a “thud” followed by and ever so slight queasy that my stomach when I realized “son of a bitch!” That was an earthquake!! Sure enough another earthquake or as the news media locally is portraying these events and aftershock! I really do believe someone is trying to put a not as dangerous on these aftershocks as they really are.

This morning's quake/aftershock was weird what the phenomenon sounded like something heavy dropped on the floor upstairs (Steve's apartment not heaven). It came and went almost instantaneously quite frankly it felt like a slug in the gut, like a gut punch you know when you're not ready for it, unsuspecting. Like when you stand in line at the bank or the supermarket and the guy insanity turns around doubles his best and and shoves it as hard as he can into your unsuspecting stomach knocking the wind out of you and you most likely on the floor looking up totally confused not even yet feeling the trauma to your abdomen that is still seconds away. Today I got the gut punch but no abdominal trauma just a queasy feeling. I was waiting for things to really start rock 'n rolling the R&R never came which I guess is a good thing. I've really convinced myself that I'm going to be okay here at the apartments since there built on big “earthquake rollers”. Some sort of technology designed to take the stress and strain from an earthquake. Here I hope this is true and that the organization that I volunteer for Utah Non-Profit Housing Corporation got the money's worth when they built this property and some of the others we have on these earthquake rollers or whatever they are. I have to admit I know that I've got some form of an PTSD because whenever I hear rumble are the apartment shakes or even the dump truck/garbage truck passes outside my window I sense my heart racing just a little bit quicker than before. I doubt/hope this unhealthy feeling of anticipation will not mature into anything significant but something's changed in me and the world I guess. But something HAS changed!

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