Monday, September 06, 2021

Labor Day Slacker


I finished Hemingway's A Movable Feast,Clearly one of the best reads I've done all summer. So good, so rich in the comments of a real writer. Just a shame he had to blow his head off. I'm sure Hemingway had his reasons as all the others that I have suicide frustrations with did/do but I'll leave it at that or I would wander into a rant about how much I am angry at incredibly gifted people who off themselves. One of the biggest takeaways from the book is caring way made a comment that how intimidated he was to write a novel. I guess you just focused on journalistic reporting and the short story. He was encouraged by people in his group like Ezra Pound and F Scott Fitzgerald to consider the novel form. What really endeared me to this guy was he made the comment he didn't think he would be able to string together enough words and thoughts for a complete novel. I have had and do have those exact same feelings that comes to not only novels but short stories. Sadly, this only reinforced how novice I am and maybe I shouldn't be even trying but that's really defeatist and not really who I am. Now I'm almost interested in picking up one of the Hemingway novels and doing a read or some cases a reread just to examine his style and mechanics a little bit closer. I don't know if I would do a task like this before Christmas or the new year but who knows, seriously who knows?

Kind of funny but I was up enthused and energized Because my home health person was a half an hour late I was really late by the time I got dressed in ready for my day. I immediately called the wheelchair guys set up the appointment for me my physical therapist and wheelchair shop person to go over my new chair which I've really worn down the past four months. Anyway, I was surprised nobody picked up and my call went straight to voicemail. It took me a moment to process then I realized I was sitting on the morning of the last day of the holiday weekend. It's Labor Day nobody's going to be in their offices today it is truly the last holiday of summer. That being said I instantly switched into holiday mode. I did Pump my armbike for a 50 minute workout but decided not to write or anything else productive just work on finishing my Hemingway… Which I did. I know a real writer writes… So you know what that says about me. I didn't even do any fancy cooking this holiday. No T-bone steaks, no roast turkey will flank steaks not even sloppy Joe's. I've half at razzle berry pie that I purchased Saturday and my neighbor cooked yesterday. We are kind of doing a tagteam thing right now. I buy something and she will cook it then we split the proceeds works good for me. This is our first attempt don't know what else you might consider kind of thinking something like a casserole or something. I haven't really finished my idea about doing a holiday dinner. When is it the market the other day I did pick up a package of pepperoni's (which I said I would never do again because the other was just died in the fridge) but maybe I'll throw together a pizza in honor of Labor Day who knows…

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