Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Wednesday's Whine


As I age I begin to wonder if I'm becoming more and more of a crybaby. It seems like any little thing that goes wrong in my day I start fussing and boobing until something gets done. I guess I can protect my “ adult-ness” by saying I'm becoming I'm being more self assertive and that's a good thing right? After all, but soon to be a big deal to teach folks disabilities at independent living centers around the world: assertiveness training or sticking up for yourself. I'm beginning to wonder now if that's the case. Yesterday I noticed my control box on my chair, that item on the end of my arm piece that's got the joystick on it which allows me to drive my chair, seem to loose I felt underneath and could feel the screws were loose, really loose. I figured I would find somebody around the apartment complex with a screwdriver and tighten things up in the morning. I actually suspicion that one of the screws are gone completely. Then this morning when I got up and drove my chair into the bathroom I noticed it was very very loose and then I also noticed like it almost completely swivel the control completely around. The control boxing to be now being held by just one screw which was really freaky. I wasn't necessarily spooked but I need to get this repair today and I had to take precedent over anything else I was going to do. I had the option of heading down to the UTAP The old UCAT and having them harvest a couple of screws of one of the “garbage” chairs laying all around the front door. Like I said anything is going to do today was now superseded by a trip up Redwood Road to the south on public transit.

Lucky for me it was a good day for transit low clouds just smoke in the sky and toasty temperatures all of which I tolerate well. As much as I like my new guy, my new home healthcare person, I'm not sure if he's my new guy because I have not heard any status on the old provider Melanie but Tristan keeps getting assigned to me weekly. The only drawback is I see him being perpetually late between 20 and 40 minutes. Lucky for me I really have time frames where this is an issue. Tristan scheduled for 8:30 AM this seems to be things I could be doing if I were showered and dressed but there's always things I can be doing make it isn't showered waiting for them to show up. If it becomes too problematic things can change right now introduces and delivers good home health service. By the time almost finished this morning it was almost 11 o'clock. By the time I got to UTAP it was a little after 12 PM. The door was locked and I couldn't tell if the white button on the door was reading the bill or not. I would about 20 minutes notice showed up we went around to the front of the building and asked if they knew that the staff is coming back. The receptionist I checked and the only time that offices open now days is on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I turned around and went home.

When the calls I made in the morning was to my buddy Allen B who is the technician from the wheelchair shop. He spends a lot of time in neighborhood doing support for chairs and need. I got a hold of Allen who informed me that he was heading out the counties would be back later in the day it would be time to stop at my apartment which he after some focused searching in his bags of bolts an found me the three taper nuts and save the day.

I lost any chance at any creative writing I wanted to do, tomorrow I have lunch with the writer and we are supposed to produce our efforts at writing for the past couple weeks I have barely 3000 words. I don't have a working printer but I'll see what I can put together tonight to slap Into the hands of the real writers in the group and promise more for the next lunch meeting…

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