Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Moments Of My Life


I didn't hear back from the potential cleaning person so I guess it's a no go us to a housekeeper. I will continue my quest But I will up my game as far as trying to find somebody who can put some order to my own corner of chaos in this universe. Today the transition day what I mean is were going from a high-pressure system to a low-pressure system which I also think means truly the end of summer as we've known it and now true autumn begins. Clouds and wind today as the cold front claws its way in to the Valley. As of yet no thunder and lightning and I've seen but the software on the cell phone says “to be where and prepare to find shelter”. I suppose the software knows.

I started my kid letters, today,early for the month of October. I wanted to feel like I was doing something for today since I didn't have anything else on board that I can brightly justifies using my time today productively not that doing my cryptograms is a productive use of time. I could always justify my arm bike on a number of different levels most importantly the tire out my body/sleep better at night. I may have to reconsider my Sabbath day resting phenomenon. Now Sunday is the only day that I do not do my arm but not even for just a few minutes. Monday I slept lousy. I think I woke up at 3:15 AM on Monday morning and didn't really ever get back to sleep finally drag myself out of bed at about 5:55 AM. I made it through the day but it was difficult I did a lot of yawning. So I was quite surprised when this morning I looked at the clock and was 7:15 AM I never sleep to 7:15 AM. I remember waking about 4:15 AM downloading some water and then drinking some water And then tumbling back into bed wondering if I be able to get any sleep and sure enough it was about three hours later that I woke up… And that just never happens. So I think there is something in my exercise with your bike that says something about my ability to sleep. And I think I may have spoken to this at some other time in the blog but I don't know when or where I would find that posting. However, when I was working I did and take on a person with I think MS are some of the debilitating ongoing disease process who instilled upon me how important was to be physical to gain sleep. In the course of our intake he shared with me now that he was so disabled that he cannot even move the pedals to his arm bike the often suffers to the night not be able to sleep with spending way too much time about his pending demise. I don't know why but I left that interview, that they literally terrified and when I got home that evening double my time on the arm bike… Happily.

Off and on today we had significant cloud cover. It seems that it got darker much earlier than usual tonight which I think was the storm coming in and totally blocking the sun. But it was dark outside by 7 PM. I'm sitting at the computer in my darkened little corner typing away the minutes of my life and it feels like winter…

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