Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thursday Night Food Dump

Thursday evening and I'm waiting patiently for big Jim, the ex-New Yorker who lives on the third floor, but also volunteers every day at the food bank, I don't know if it's just because he's a nice guy are exactly what that usually he appears around 6 o'clock with a trunk full of food from where Jim works. Just become part of event is not controversial. The action brings a lot of good stuff that we don't see usually from food bank Saturday stuff. Jim brings fresh produce as well as so-called foodstuff even if it's frozen. The controversy has impounded from residency show up waiting for Jim to bring this stuff than the swarm over at grabbing way more than they need/deserve. There's been some inference made that there scavenging this food for their family members who do not live here and then the function could use it don't go to the Thursday night dump all left out in the cold. There's also from a local churches, bread product which includes hamburger and hot dog buns lots and lots of cookies, cakes and other pastries which none of us need but all of us love.

I'm back! I guess I spent too much time writing the first paragraph of tonight's post and the time I got back to the Community Room big Jim was living in the Thursday night Carrion had already scarfed all the really good stuff. A nice size container of grapes, red table grapes, a couple nice hard loaves of bread what they call it artesian bread. No cakes or pies that I saw this week a couple sacks of cookies however (I actually got a hold of one of them one of the patrons took pity on me and gave me for small packages of potato chips and cookies). Also, there was a stack of small cans of tonic water. No one knows what to do with it except me – – none of them drink. I do like gin and tonic I have a whole bottle of Tanqueray that I've been holding onto for more than a year. I just can't seem to bring myself to drink alone and there's no one else around here to drink with. Perhaps it's best. I don't know maybe tomorrow if the stack of cans of tonic water are left to go grab a couple just so all have backup in case I ever need it.

It's been a long day and I'm tired. I really haven't done a whole heck of a lot. It's Thursday which means coffee social in the morning and this afternoon was a Zoom meeting. I kind of like the meeting today it wasn't too bad for Zoom meeting. Was able to see a couple friends I haven't seen since the Covid started.. So I haven't done enough to really be tired except I am. I hate to go to bed before 10 PM because then I do wake up early which makes the day long and exhausting perhaps maybe it's all my head maybe I'm just old and this is what happens to old people. All I know is that it's very weird the sometimes just a little bit spooky…

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