Sunday, March 20, 2005

Equinox Day

Sunday Shopping Posted by Hello

There! Its official its spring, came into day, very lion like. I woke in the middle of the night to wind and rain smashing itself against the windows but I drifted off back to sleep. I was surprised when I woke to snowflakes; I swear which were as big a child’s fist. After all it’s Vernal Equinox. I noticed years ago in college that on day of the equinox one can expect to see all four seasons represented. This manifestation is not constant every year but enough so that I am never surprised when the seasons appear and I am not depressed at the sight of snow so late I the year. I was pleased to note when I went out into the element to do the weekly shopping that the day was kinda warm. Not bad. I left my stocking hat on and left my jacket hanging up and forged to the market. I was so pleased with the new Season; I did not even let the “hang up” at check out bother me. I must have held up the checkout line for at least ten minutes as the clerks scampered back and forth over the market searching for product I could either not reach or find. In the true fashion of equinox weather, when I left the market for home, there was a huge dark cloud hanging over the darkish purple and pouting. I sensed if I lived in the Midwest, I would be searching cellar or something to hold on to because a twister would soon be appearing, but not today-just wind and rain still making the experience a bit uncomfortable. I loaded up as fast as my machinery would allow and got on home where I did get soaked getting into the house. I spent the rest of the day running Norton Uninstall trying to get unwanted things of my desktop. I made some progress but there are some “Hijackers” still lurking on the hard drive and I cannot seem to locate them. I guess I am still going to have to “Nuke” the hard drive sooner or later. Nuking any thing makes me nervous but I am going to have to do it. But, this will not be till later spring or summer…maybe Solstice. I am thinking of nuking my hard drive twice a year just so my system will run better, maybe summer and Winter Solstice.

1 comment:

riptideselkie said...

wouldn't that be amusing. a litle solstice ritual all your own, upholding the traditions of bringing renewal :)