Thursday, March 10, 2005

Open House Open Mouth

morning train Posted by Hello

I just got back from an Open House all the way across
town. The program is new; the program is a resource
center for families with disabilities. An academic
think tank from up North put together a hefty grant. a
hefty five year grant actually and Dianne and I went
over to pay our respects, drop off some literature
east some “finger food” and be seen in our work
community. Survival in the State and private
non-profit community: be seen in the community pushing
your agenda. Lucky for me I was representing my office
plus the office I am housed in so I could take my time
( with in limits)but this was not the case for Dianne.
Dianne had to take the time as a lunch hour and
personal time—how stupid is that? All the players at
this open house are professionals she tends to work
with. Dianne was definitely working.

But while I was there I ran into my Buddy, Marty
from Logan. I like Marty. He is cool and honest which
is rare for an administrator. Marty is the image in
the phone booth in one of my prior blog entries. Marty
is the kind of guy who encourages you to move forward
and an be all you can be regardless of the danger
factor anyway, that is the way I am round Marty. He
laughs easy round me Marty is fun to make laugh.
Marty noticed that I was there with Dianne and her
indicated it was nice to see us out together. I agreed
with him it was nice to be out but is was “work
social” rather then “after work social”(AWS). I
illustrated to Marty that “work-social” is much easier
then the other, since there are unwritten and unsaid
guidelines we abide by at work. We know what we can
and cannot do in the particular situation we might be
in. AWS is much different , to me AWS is “spongy”
you are never quite sure where you stand. You may say
something particularly innocent on a Friday evening
with the “work crew” but by Monday could be totally
blown out of proportion. I got a little loud
pontificating about how certain elements certain
programs set up to work with folks with disabilities
are just glorified WAC’s(Work Activity Programs)
Marty laughed and laughed because he knew what I

So, I knew where I was and what I was a bout—no wine
being served here! I was good…I think . I guess I’ll
find out by Monday

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