Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Just Anothert Spot on the Floor


The spot on the floor is just about dry this morning from the drenching it received yesterday. When we opened the office from being away all weekend, I noticed a bug on my partner’s floor. The bug was a cockroach and the bug was still alive. There was a gasp from Cecilia as I mentioned my find, followed by a scream of movie potential when she stepped round her desk and witnessed the little critter wake from it’s slumber and begin making it’s way across the floor. Cecilia is immaculate; her office is beautiful, nicely lit, well kept, a true library of order. I think the roach must have got lost on his way over to my space. That pace in our building which constantly hovers close to “1” on the 0-1 chaos scale.

There was only one roach though and looked all over my office and the kitchen area. Now, I have all kinds of things in my drawers I am sure roaches would love i.e., crackers, nuts, and salted peanuts. But I could not see any sign of roach presence, not that I would know a roach if one came up and shook hands with me. So, why Cecelia’s office? I almost think the insect was “planted” there, but why and when? Well, suffice it to say the little guy did not last long. Cecilia, after pulling her self together, ripped of a long line of expletives I would have been proud to voice and grabbed a bottle of Windex in one hand and can of Glade air freshener in the other and pounced on the unsuspecting beast. I was a amazed at the chemical reaction of the glass cleaner air freshener: a bubbling, foaming aromatic encasement of death; Cecilia’s version of scented napalm. I doubt the creature’s demise came from drowning and not from any of the wonderful chemicals Dow loaded into either of the products used for the murder weapons. Shane got “graves detail” finally wandered in using a zip lock for a body bag. So ended the short life of Joe Bug just another spot on the floor.

1 comment:

Fickle Friend said...

Lemon sented death--(shudder)