Saturday, March 12, 2005

It Feels Natural

Jazzy Posted by Hello

Warm to day- warmer then it has been all year. Not yet really Spring warm but defiantly warmer. The kind of day which drives one out of the house and into the yard or garage Mark and Jasmine were over today and helped clean up `the garage. This was a grand start. We have much more to do with the end goal me getting back into the garage where I have my wood shop. I am trying to get too excited but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe I'll we turning wood and making sticks my May. I just got off the computer Instant Messaging with my daughter Michelle. This is just too cool having the technology to have these types of discussions. We have the camera and microphones in place to have regular visits, over the INTERNET no cost on the phone. I am just amazed, makes Saturday night worth staying home. Ani is over for a sleep over so Dianne is happy and I am free to do what ever. It feels natural, like a John Denver song. It feels secure.
I really appreciated Mark and Jaz coming over and Shelly's attention. The help Mark provides helps so much. It is the getting older thing, I guess. We can do a lot but everything is harder and these little assists make aging in place possible. Bridget and Gabe were over a couple weeks ago and helped out in the yard, making the place more acceptable. Dianne and I appreciate all you do.

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