Monday, March 21, 2005


me Posted by Hello

It’s freezing in my office! The vent to the air conditioner is directly over my desk and the wind blows straight down onto my baldhead. I am thankful I had the good sense to wear one of my stocking hats today. So I am sitting, on my office with my headset stretched over my stocking hat, hunched over my computer terminal and typing as fast as I can to stay warm. The problem is that my office sits off the Conference Room which is good sized and when a goodly sized group of people inhabit that room for a meeting the temperature in the room goes up so staff turns on the “air” and cools the main office which also cools the side rooms too, namely me. It’s bad enough for able-bodied staff. My partner Cecilia has IMed me twice indicating she is freezing but me being a person with a spinal cord injury granted I am post almost 40 years but still the effect is the same: I am very susceptible to cold temperatures. It’s lunchtime and there is so much chaos out side my door it is just easier to sit here and blog my lunch hour away. I am not even partaking of the “free” lunch: tacos. There are times I am quite excited abo
ut catered tacos but not today, today I have too much to do and I am freezing.

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