Monday, March 27, 2006

A Couple Days in May

A couple of weeks ago,  I had a flurry of emails about a conference in May to be held in Atlanta Georgia. This conference was announced right after I got home from my trip to Philadelphia so I figured I did not have a chance to go.  Not that I wanted to go. I don’t.  It’s just too much trouble for me.  See all the issues I outlined when considering the Philly trip.  I do not think taking Dianne on this trip is an option either since she will be gone to N.O. La to spend time with her family.  

I did not bring up the conference ( a re-utilization conference) in staff meeting and I was a bit chagrinned when my boss happened to be bombarded by the same emails that I was about this trip. She indicated that this trip had a scholarship for private non-profits and that I should look into seeing what kind of scholarship I could get.  So, I did some checking and I soon found the “scholarship” it was a total of $250.00 to be used for logging.   I figured the hotel bill alone would be $450.00—so when you figure in travel, meals and ground travel the $250.00 is a drop in the bucket.  And the main source of possible funding I have used in the past has “dried up. So, I figured there was no chance pursuing the issue any longer.  I had just about forgot the whole issue when in staff meeting this morning the boos, out of the blue asked how my search was going.  I hastily explained the problem I ran into and the decision I had made. Well, the boss thinks it might be good for me to attend since I have a strong commitment to re-utilization and she knows this.  The attendance at this conference might also be good for this office since there seems to be a threat to the offices existence and the more pies we have our finger in the better. So, all morning I have been developing a proposal for the trip to Atlanta.  I was really hoping the numbers would be the greatest deterrent to such a trip.   But I just got off the phone with State travel There is a flight with Continental Air for $240.00--ROUNDTRIP!!!!  So with the lodging quote 0f  250.00+ 240.00 we are looking at 490.00 add  ground travel and per diem   we could pull the whole thing off for less the 800.00.  Even I have to reconsider this option.  The boss may figure it worth the time to send me. Then where will I be? Atlanta.

So, like a good little employee I am finishing the proposal  and will hand it in.  If approved I will then try to find funding that might send me to such a trip.  I am fairly confident that I will not be able to find the resources I need to make the trip. But you never know. I know folks in fairly high places –whom I know in the past have been able to tie in to mysterious pots of money for travel when travel was needed. There are a number of agency and programs in the area which have exhibited an interest in reutilization of durable medical equipment. Maybe they could scrape up the amount needed.  

The fact remains I don’t want to go—I seem to have too much to do and a fear of travel by myself. I can do the travel if I have to I would just rather not.

1 comment:

riptideselkie said...

aww if i could i would go with you to keep you company and make sure the airplane doesn't fall outa the air. I'm good at that. :) heehee. That airfair is crazy good price. why can't i find that here? ahhh well. Hugs, everything will come out ok in the end.
Luv ya, Oregon Daughter.