Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My Computer ate My Stats

My Computer ate My Stats!

I am one week away from my quarterly Advisory Board Meeting, that meeting where I present the work and actions of the office I work in.  We present the phone calls we received over the past three months. We use software developed by a guy from the local 211 agency (Info and Referral(This is a long story of how we came by using this software and  would drive me crazy having to relive this history.) Any way the problem now is that a few moments following one o-clock I was entering data when my computer seemed to hiccup  and the next thing I new I was filling out “form 1”.  I had been working on “form 4366” or something like that—you never pay attention to what is happening when an event like this happens.  I always think I know where I am but am never quite sure exactly where I was when the incident occurs.   What I do know is that  I am now loading data to a  folder named “Admin”.  This has happened before and I have had to get the software’ creator over here to “point” the system back to the correct  folder.  What a pain. So Now I am going call “the boys” and see if they can come over and find the wandering folder.    I have to do this before Friday because my meeting is next Tuesday  and I don’t want to be sweating bullets  all weekend and Monday.  I want to have most of the meeting done by Friday or it’s in the office extra early Monday morning to make copies of these stats and any extras which might be needed for the Tuesday morning meeting.

Just got off the phone with my buddy from 211. I was going to try to get hold of the guy
Who sold us the software to see if I could low my blood pressure but  of course 98.6 was not there. Seems like he out in the “field” doing taxes for Seniors and low-income. Sounds like 98.6 is pretty busy these day.  I hope his sidekick is then available. Juan, the sidekick, he who knows the software is the one we really need. Juan is a bit of an enigma, He really does not work at 211( as far as I can tell) and seems can only be reached via 98.6.  But it Juan who really ends up fixing these huge mistakes I continue to make.  I just hope I can find Juan by Friday.

  My buddy and I were talking about the national organization we belong to airs  (The Alliance if Information and Referral Systems) AIRS. We are glorified operators nothing more. Anyway it’s national conference rime.  His year the conference is in  Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What a joke!   I have gone to two of these conferences a and not only are they a monumental waste of my time and costly  they are also an exercise in social destruction.  The organization if very clique (clicky)  and if you are not in the know then you might as well as go.  They work very hard to glorify the operators position in life by having these conferences, charge large sums of money to participate oh and then have  tests to rank order you in the organization. Am I bitter?

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