Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I am exhausted and

I am exhausted and I am back from my trip to Philadelphia! The trip over all was successful—Dianne and I had a great time despite many obstacles we faced, and over come. I‘ll get into these as the days go on I believe—I’ll also post some images. The last story shall be first though and that was last night.

When we finally we got into Salt lake we had been through heavy weather and dense clouds. The lights on the wing of the plane would cause a lightning effect seen through the window of the fuselage. We must have been flying through clouds; each time the light on the wing would light, the light would be muffled by the cloud and cause a “whiting” for a second or two. Very interesting. The turbulence was great also and bounced us all over sky. The video screens which hung down in front of our seat gave us minute to minute progress of our flight over simulated maps of the United States. As we began our decent into Salt Lake the engine roar greatly increased as did some bouncing. About three minutes before the video screens were lifted back into the aircraft the time to landing read “three minutes” and did this for five or ten minutes. Dianne mentioned that “we’re circling” I said “ Yeah, they must be burning fuel in case we go down.” We both chuckled, in fact there was a lot of nervous laughing heard round our seating area. Not because of me or what I had said just people getting by with a difficult portion of their lives. Like finding out you need a root canal. I felt pretty relaxed but Dianne next to me was stressed. I do have to admit that more then once I wondered if this is what people die in air craft tragedies hear and feel right before their world explodes or their air bus is driven into the side of a mountain or sky scraper. We landed without any real incident. The time was 8:30 pm just on the dot. “ Great I’ll be home before 10:00”

The pilot had asked the travelers who were not connecting with other flights to please remain seated so those who were sprint out of the aircraft and possibly connect since the poor weather which kept us from landing, most likely kept the connecting flight on the ground. This lasted about five tenths of a second and the aisle was stuffed with folks “everyman for them selfing” their way out of the aircraft. Soon I was alone with two other poor to non walkers. Dianne figured the air people were busy getting my power chair out of the aircraft and she might be most effective getting the luggage and retrieving the van from the “Long Term Parking” lot. Then they left and I was left by myself. From where I was sitting I could see the front of the aircraft clearly. There was a lot of discussing going on as the Stewardess, with arms folded across her breasts kept stepping back into the aisle they were all talking about me. I could tell. Some one or someone had died I could tell…to be continued

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