Thursday, March 16, 2006

ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz I have been fighting off sleep all afternoon. The boss is out for the rest of the week—it’s over caste out side. I have my heater cranked up with NPR going on and on and on in the back ground. I must have Eaten too much for lunch. The office had a photo exhibit opening earlier in the week serving cold sandwiches. The caterer left was left of the materials in our fridge. Three huge zip locks of tuna fish, egg salad and chicken salad spread. I went to the bakery over lunch and got a couple of rolls and came back and made a huge tuna sandwich. The sandwich was tasty but has pushed me over the edge of conscience. Now, that I have started writing I am beginning to emerge from the fog which has had me under.

I hate to see things wasted. However, I also must assert that I know myself well enough to know I am cheap. The amount of sandwich spread in these zip locks is huge. We could eat sandwiches for a long time. I often volunteer to clean out the fridge after a party, holiday meal or meeting when food has been left. The staff here will let the food in the cold box stand for at least one day for those who would like the leftovers for lunch. There are those staff who feel that any food left 24 hours is bad and must be thrown out. This could be anything from pita to pizza. I have lived on left-overs for a week at a time and done just well—especially left-overs I like. I love dried pizza, pizza left in the fridge. If we have pizza on Monday, at my house, I can take what’s left in for breakfast and lunch for the\ rest of the week—and be happy. So Cecilia has just stuffed the bags of spread into my wheelchair back. I thought what if I downloaded the mix into smaller units of zip locks and froze them. Then I could just bring out the spread when I wanted them. This could really work well.
Well I am still sleepy but more awake then I was twenty minutes ago. I am bout ready to climb back into my power chair for the ride home. In fact the whole office is bailing out. Cecilia , my office mate, just left, the whole front office is leaving. I am in the office tomorrow till 10:00 or 11:00 then I am gone for the weekend. It’s not that I have anything huge planned, in fact the weather indicates we have more storms (snow) coming in. It’s quiet now in the office I am fully awake and ready to go. I could actually get some work done if I had the drive but I am ready to go home. The building janitor crew has just attacked the front office. I have about ten minutes until the little Hispanic family lays siege to my office. But, I am going to stay on till 5:00 PM because that is who I am. Working or asleep you’ll find me here or at least…at the job.

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