Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Dragon Grill

My butt's been pretty sensitive last couple of days. I've been somewhat frightened I've developed some kind of a skin breakdown but Melissa checked on Monday and did a lot of retaping to my buttocks and the last two days it felt pretty decent. The reason I say this is because Tuesdays, as many of you know, is the one day that I really venture out and travel miles from my home usually down to Salt Lake City to assist Inc I'm part of their Advisory Board.. usually my trip is not a real stressful challenge but when my skin starts feeling a little risky I start worrying about all the rocking back and forth I will experience not only on my trip to the bus stop but on the train going into the city and Back Again. Fortunately I can report however I didn't have any of those experiences. My Skin's felt pretty good today and maybe it's because of the good shower I got yesterday and that's what's causing my hypersensitivity on my rear end especially come Sunday when it's been a number of days since a shower.

It was quite a busy meeting at the private nonprofit today lots of people requesting service and having their homes be repaired whether it's sinks are roofs or water heaters or whatever the family might need. They have to meet certain Financial guidelines standards so they're all pretty much low income folks. But anyway it's nice to have a bunch of requests to consider coming off a couple months of hardly any because all the money had been out to fund these projects. Typically July opens up the new fiscal year and new money tumbles out of the coffers and hopefully we'll tumble into the pockets of our contractors for the projects that we approve. I was feeling pretty decent at the end of the meeting. I want to get some lunch of some sort and not necessarily the Mexican fast food I've been doing the last couple of weeks. There's this one place I think I've gone to once or twice before but I don't have a clear memory but it's always closed when I get there early in the morning for the assist meeting and I never stick around long enough after the meeting to have a lunch there but today I figured I would do it. It's an Asian restaurant and has always intrigued me.

The place is called Charlie Chows Dragon Grill. I don't think I really knew the second part of the name Dragon Grill but Charlie Chows I always recognize. I wish I had understood the process of the grill I was more worried about the cost of the meal and going with my memory of lunch menu items where selections are actually a whole lunch and one at a specific price I went that way and got some sort of beef noodles spicy which comes with some kind of fried rice. It was all pretty good probably cost the going rate for downtown lunches. A side note, there's actually a table of attorneys just to my side and I spent my afternoon listening to those guys talk. It was really quite informative there were real trial attorneys doing shop talk on there clients murderers, embezzlers and folks that might even be innocent. My meal was pretty good again more than I really want out of lunch but I figured today I'd take it home with me and it's still in the fridge now I want it for tomorrow or some other time and I'll really enjoy it. I ate about half put the rest in my plastic styrofoam container which they provided along with the bag and carried the Lunch Home On My Feet which worked pretty good and hid my bare feet which I felt pretty decent about. I'm going to have to use this technique more in the future at works to hide my feet on those days that staff do not trust me…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading about your adventures out into the city and different places you eat and visit.