Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Hot City neck pretty gritty

I really thought the high point of my day was going to be the assist meeting downtown Salt Lake at 11:00 a.m.. I was actually doing pretty well all things considered. I started getting up around 6:00 a.m. figuring that I had to get dressed and shaved and everything and ready to take the bus into the train and the train into the city. Now I knew that there was a problem before I caught the bus because of road construction the bus stop has been taken out of commission it's kind of freaks me out. I figured however that I'd be able to maybe go the back way in the back streets cut into the Community College and take the bus from its place where the bus comes in. What I didn't take into consideration with that the work guys of the streets chiseled up so badly there's no way I was getting into the Community College. I had to roll Maybe a mile out of my way maybe more to finally get to a number 47 bus stop on the far side of the Community College which eventually did take me in to the train but in doing so I used up so much time. I was kind of surprised by the time I got to assist,inc it was only about 15 to 20 minutes late and I was really surprised I thought it's going to be much later than that.

We have just started the new Grant year which means that we have money which means that we can actually take requests for home repairs. A lot of these have been stacked up waiting for the new funding but some are new quite a few actually and that's what we did once I got in station there at the office. Once we got going the process was pretty quick and we got about 19 or 20 requests signed and delivered. These people now will have new steps concrete and otherwise, new windows, off and on electrical repairs which powers air conditioners and such. What was really great was that it was a Payday. We rarely get any pay or financing for what we do we don't expect to. This is basically an altruistic function well for me it was part of my work week so that was something different as housing coordinator but still I never expected any Financial compensation we got some today wasn't much $48 but still that's quite a bit allowed me to get some things that I hadn't really planned on for a while.

With that in mind new money in my my laptop I took off for the bank cash the check then had a great lunch over at Taco Time my favorite guilty pleasure. Then I went off to find Standard Restaurant Supply which I hope would have industrial type can openers. I finally found the building didn't take too long but this was after I stopped at my old workplace the Utah Independent Living Center to visit with my friend Kim. And Kim drag me into the executive directors office Holly. I've been meaning to get to talk Holly ever since she became the new director which has been about 6 months now. In truth I'm a little bit intimidated by her and was reticent to spend time but Kim got us together we had a great conversation and looks like I'll be on the board of directors at that facility Plus on another board as far as Transportation goes all of which is pretty exciting and should be good for me to get back into the swing of things. What was the best part of the event was that she was making talk like the good old Independent Living director should which was having a source for folks with disabilities who aren't represented by any other group which is basically physically disabled folks. I don't know how much I will work with the center they're going to have to go through some major changes but that's okay it's a new day. I finally found restaurant supply after leaving the Independent Living Center and it took me awhile but I did find kind of what I was looking for a crank heavy duty can opener belts to open up the number 10 cans of restaurant vegetables and things like that in my case jalapeno peppers. I finally got to the train station and took the train to my stop. It was much easier getting home then getting to the bus. I cut the watermelon tonight I've been meaning to do that for some time. It went off better than I anticipated so dinner was pretty much watermelon and cheese cheddar cheese Sharp and pickled peppers sometimes the day does not turns out as you expect 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you didn’t say I’ve had enough by the troubles of getting downtown and went back home. Way to stay on task and turning it into a good day.