Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Veteran's Day ?

Day 31

Happy Veteran's Day

Is ' Happy Veteran's Day' oxymoronic? You know one of those phrases that sort of negates itself, Veteran's Day is one of those holidays thst I feel kinda guilty have fun one once I fully understood the purpose of it's origin.

Sort of like Memorial Day—really how can you really have any fun on a day set a side to remember dead folks—even if they are your own. I suppose if your uncle Jack was a molester you could throw a party or something to celebrate his demise and be guilt free but Uncle Jacks or Grandpa Buck s are more the rarity then the norm.

Speaking of guilt and Holidays my neighbor is a veteran, I may have even written of him last Veteran's Day. How he is still experiencing survivor's guilt for living through World War II. He really feels his contribution the effort was minimal if no non-existent. Of course I know this is not true—just as Hilleray feels it takes a”village to raise a child”it takes an “Army to fight a war” every Dough boy and every Jack Tar and every one in between.

I missed the whole experience, which is not tragic but still I wish I could have chose one way or the other. Luckily I broke my neck way before I could even be considered for the draft which was just heating in 1966. However, others in my family was not nearly as luck. My older brother knocked off a gas station with a friend and got convicted for armed robbery. This is a long story though and one day may wind up the fodder of a short story. He became a soldier and therefore a veteran, because in those days the political machine populated many of it's military needs from the minorities, middler and lower class volunteers. Often felons were give the “opportunity” and such the third member of my family served this great union. He went on to become on of the ' the few, the proud, the Marines'. And with his group “of brothers” helped pillage South East Asia. My other brothers served: one pre-Cold War and post WWII and the other did his time during the Cold-war active during Berlin Airlift Cuba debacle. Luckily he had no direct involvement in either. He did his time and moved on. There is also my uncle the spy and my cousins the spies(CIA) who also did their bits for the Union. I just have to say thank you all-- this day is for you and though I plan to enjoy being off work but I AM NOT going to feel guilty for being off work or going to DeRailed and maybe even another movie, hitting a restaurant and who knows what else. Thanks for being there even if you did not want to be or feel what you did was not important. You all made the difference, you all were part of the collective “whole” because of you and what you ALL did battles were won, meals cooked, pallets loaded and aircraft and ships were maintenanced. Armies and would be aggressors were stayed and one great country regained it's humility. Thank you every one.

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