Saturday, November 19, 2005

We Did It!!

Hey, I am I am surviving the “cousin sleep-over”. I am a bit groggy but I am doing ok, just a few more hours and we will do the last hand-off to the other grandparents. Honestly, I am still amazed that the first trade off yesterday went off without a hitch. John and Emery( the other Grand Parents GP) even dropped of Jasmine of while Dianne was off getting the other GD(Grand Daughter) Auni. So, there I was the middle aged crip of a grandfather taking the hand-off. I think John and Emery were a bit spooked not really having spent a lot of time with me and not knowing my true skills. There was some small talk making—they were stalling in hope Dianne might drive up but no go. They finally had to cut bait and leave to get to another family function on the other side of the family. We just plugged i one of the Little Einsteins and Jazimine was tranced out. I know Dr Ow has some serious reservation with Little Einsteins but i do not see any harm with Jasmine, who is almost two. Between Little Einsteins and two picnic baskets we have of stuffed animals. Jasmine never even noticed the exit of the other Gps.

Auni spent the night too, I credit part of the reason this sleepover has gone so well is the presence of Auni and her willingness to act as a babysitter. Auni has done a great job, playing with and Jasmine, feeding jasmine and paying attention to her cousin.

Dianne and I are both exhausted. Jasmine just does not go to sleep when it's her time for bed. The kid fights sleep. I even noticed that after we decided to get the baby into bed with us, that jasmine was even sticking her fingers in her eyes as a last ditch effort to conscience; a bit strange but cute. You had to be there. Jasmine only had one bout of crying just as she went to sleep. I think this is when she missed her mom the most. Jasmine finally conked out about 10:30 but she flopped round the bed enough to keep me away and not getting to deep into sleep. Thats OK , I can hold on till the trade-off. Dianne is a sleep for a few more minutes.

The trade off is complete it went well everyone is happy—Auni did great and earned another night—maybe we'll get some sleep tonight.

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