Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sunless Saturday

Day 25

It's one of those Saturdays that I just want to set here beside by my window and work on my computer or other house hold tasks. The window I sit by is in the front of the house and there is a heat vent right to my side. But, I know I cannot get away with that. I should run to the market and a few other places but maybe I can get Dianne to do that or I can put it off till tomorrow when, the forecasters say there be more sunshine and pre-week motivations begin to stir. It's hang time right now: too early to really get excited about the up coming holidays. There has just been a few queries extended as to where and when the holiday dinners should be—some food assignments but nothing definitive.

The temperature have finally dropped to a point where one has to wear a jacket at least. However, the temp is not uncomfortably cold yet. There's snow in the mountains but just rain in the valley. I can smell smoke from fire places and wood stoves when I do go out. HBO is on down stairs in hopes of snagging something good to watch while folding the wash. I am just about ready to start making a soup if I could just put my hands on some barley. `I know we have some barely but just where is it. Maybe I'll use some dried mushrooms we have had some time purchased from our favorite Asian market. I have lerft over roast from last Sunday which needs to be used or it will be offended—maybe I'll use some green peppers to. I'll try to get an image of the soup up by this evening.

I may add more later too...I just don't have a lot to say right now. Hope you're having a great weekend. Enjoy it while you can. Because after next week's holiday, Veteran's Day, you have just another week till the holiday season officially begins then there is no rest till after the first of the year.

Addendum: 3:43pm

The soup is coming along fine-sort of an Asian mix especially with the mushroom shreds and sauces I have used. I think the soup still needs more salt flavor but maybe when I add the soy sauce this will be enough. The sun has come out as well, a high pressure system is moving in and I bet tomorrow is beautiful...I still might bake some bread if I get motivated. I don't know though. We got word Auni is spending the night and that always takes extra energy. Dianne is great Dianne usually takes the full brunt of child supervision. Again, there is the mandatory KFC trip tonight. I will see if I can bail on that but time will tell. I have to get to making an apple pie right now. Maybe an image of the pie too. Once again happy weekend.

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