Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Better Customer Service

Tomorrow, I am supposed to meet with one of the funders of my program. I wish the meeting was considered a social event of the season but alas the meeting is give this funder a big dose of customer service. Talk on the street that this organization is questioning our service performance. So all day I have been compiling data and other bits of information to illustrate our programs level of service: I also will work on my office in the morning. The office is not a mess but it can look a lot better. Luckily since the paint job my office received last quarter I have not let entropy progress too far. I don’t know if the department rep will make her way to my office but if she does I need to be ready. My boss and myself hopefully will meet with her in my bosses office or in the small conference room—but the small conference room is still full of toys waiting to be delivered to the reservation so I think we will meet in the bosses office.

I have to admit I was kind of freaked when I started get word from the community regarding the veracity of my program. I have really become complacent; I have not grown like I could have. I am fortunate to have a boss who is very understanding and pushes me out of my comfort zone when I need pushing. So rather then fear the event I am now excited and am looking forward to the event and really want to know how our organization can better serve our funders. I have the meeting tomorrow and the other meetings in January and February of 2008.

A good case of our customer service refocus is going to be the Calendar Page on our website http://accessut.org/eventscalendar/eventscalendar.html . I have traditionally been pretty selective on the dates I incorporated into this page, I tried to keep it focused on dates which were not tracked by other Calendars. My bosse’s vision is much larger and she wants any date on this page which has ANYTHING to do with disability. Seriously, if someone has a question about disability they will just naturally think first of our website. This task would be a lot easier if these folks would contact me when they had something for the calendar but I have never seen this happen.

A bright spot in this whole issue came up today when I was speaking to the director of another program which served folks with disabilities and he brought up the meeting when these information about my program started becoming public knowledge—he actually volunteered to support my program anyway I might need. He also indicated he knew other folk on my board were also supportive and would. I do not know how much I believe this but, the discussion gave me hope. So I am excited at the aspect to make my program better—to offer a better product to my customers and their consumers.

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