Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Secret passages

A couple weeks ago the, building which housed, the old Club DV8 burned and left the structure so compromised the building was immediately demolished. The speed with which the building was torn town was amazing, very X-Files especially that building. Club DV8 was a local icon as far as I was concerned, a monument to the 80’s and 90’s club scene. I had always wanted to check out the building but never got the chance. Immediately after the burn the building was blocked and people could not get near the place but last week when I went to buy my bus pass I was able to drive past what was left of the building site. I Was amazed to see how clean the place was but what really intrigued me was all the opening in the foundations where were obvious passageways or tunnels. Cool. These passages totally adds to the mystery which surrounds this building. I grabbed a couple of images—enjoy.

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