Saturday, August 22, 2009

Chop Suey Saturday

I just finished cleaning up after making Saturday night dinner—chop suey!! I made it from scratch and it turned out very much what you might get in a real Chinese restaurant. The process was not hard, mostly process, but was physically draining for me. Seriously I keep chopping ingredients and by the time I was ready to cook it seemed like I had a little bit of every thing I had in the fridge: Zucchini, onion, snow peas red and green pepper, cabbage, steak( shredded), beef broth, ginger and garlic. The wok was full as used my very large wooden spoon to turn the ingredients during the cooking phase.

It was a hot day anyway but the heat from the day, the heat from the range and stirring the vegetables in the wok was exhausting but well worth the effort. I should have taken pictures. One can only do so much.

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