Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today was good.

I had appointments out of the office one was a free lunch and one was acing like a hot shot consultant. I did all my traveling on public transit and made all my meeting on time—so today was good,

I have long been a thorn in the local public transit systems side and as such we ( the transit authority and myself) have grown old and some what, grudgingly accepting of each other and from time to time the authority calls on me and other to help them better serve their customer with disabilities. Today, the asked me to come down to their “testing center” and look at some mock ups of the entry to some of the new “low-entry= low-riders” they are ordering. I kinda of think the Authority is just going through the motions and they already have the vehicles speced out and it would take a lot of our input to change their minds but hey, time out of the office on a warm Summer day why not?

When I arrived I was pleased to find many of my friends and associates,: Greg, Barb and Mary Jane all running acting a lot more important then we were/are. The Authority was taking video and snaps of us so I whipped out my new cam and took some images right back. I’ll see if I can get them posted tonight or tomorrow.

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