I have been doing this job for ten years and the data collection has been my bane—the first couple of years I was on board logged every call on call sheets I made up which basically kept tract of such information and actually that system was really not too bad; specially since we are such a small call center. Such data collection would not work if we had thousands of call an day like some of the I&Rs do. Even when we were really busy I don’t think we ever got more then five or six thousand calls a year which breaks down to roughly 2,8 calls an hour for a forty hour week for a 52 week year, of course enter the random nature of the human animal some hours will be 4 or five calls, and some days like holiday weeks and summer vacation and the numbers will vary but 6000 calls a year would be a pretty good year and the report I ran last week was about 1200 calls for the year. I get a little sick just writing this. It’s not like I am not here. I am here almost every day—I want to answer the phone and give out great information but the phones first have to ring and they don’t. It looks as if we will get funded for another year—that gives me breathing room—I can work another year, one year closer to retirement, like I am ever going to retire but I can dream. My boss is great she is working her butt off trying to find more funding streams for my program but it is slow going, the economy is still pretty week.
So now I have to figure a way to make my data show how well I have served my funders. Excuse me while go I throw up…