Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's What I Do.

I don't mean to, I really do not mean to but I cannot help it. I seem to destroy everything I touch or in some cases run in to. This mode of destruction, I seem to live in, did not seem as severe when I was pushing a manual wheelchair but when I up graded ( or down graded) to power wheelchair things changed. The weight of the powerchair along with my mass, body weight, made me a force truly to be reckoned with. I have permanently marred the halls of my home and office—there is a line scribed where the handles on the back of my wheelchair have scraped. I have left marks on the trains I ride, the buses and even public building in Washington DC. I am not the only one who has these issues but I AM one. This is not so bad with vehicles or mass transit or the people building in Washing DC—there are many other powerchairs at any one of these places at any given moment—BUT at my office this is another matter.

Something is happening to me as I age—I am sliding out of my chair more and more and it really takes all of my strength to drag my but back into my chair—literally. I think part of the reason is the chair I have now, the foot peddle is not large enough to adequately hold my feet and my feet on the foot plate and add spasms to the fray and soon I am sliding to points South. So I am struggling all day long pulling myself up and one of the ways I do this is to position myself directly infront of a hard surface like a door or wall and drive into the surface and use that surface o push off of placing myself back into the seat of the wheelchair. Sometimes I slip and push forward with a little too much power, sometimes causing me to break through the drywall. Mind you I try to uses surfaces which will not give, like brick walls of the tires of vehicles like trucks or cars.

I don't mean to's just what I seem to do.

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