Monday, January 03, 2011

Taking calls and giving out info...

Train person on this morning's ride into work.

It is always weird returning to work after an extended amount of time away. I came back today after being gone for more then a week. I was pleased to see and hear there had been no traumas to speak of-I did fill out my time sheet incorrectly and I was “texted” about that and I called into the office and cleared that issue up. I sifted through my emails( I had accessed my account nearlier last week so I had an idea of what was there) an there were no bombs there. There were a few calls to be returned but staff had answered my phones and left pretty good messages. My office was still mess—the way I had left it. The Christmas cards and gifts were scattered round my office looking like orphans. I really need to do something with the mess but I'll start tomorrow. Today is a settle in day—return calls pull a rabbit or two out of the hat just to let staff know I am back, taking calls and giving out's what I do.

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