Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Give Me Something with a Kick, Please

I am sitting here at my desk intermittently dozing, trying to stay away but I seem to be loosing the battle.!I am falling asleeep at my desk is I am out of coffee and hat is not completely true. I am out of regular coffee which I usually drink through out the day.

Remember my last post on Friday? Where I was sitting waiting for the phone call from my cousin or who ever is supposedly repairing my van. Guess what the call never came and in fact I was prisoner at my house over the weekend which was not too bad except I did not preform one of my weekend chores and run to the market to get the items we will need for the coming week. I usually pick up coffee for the office, if I need, at this point in time an that point did not happen last week. So this Monday morning in a fit of responsibility I actually left the house early and stopped into the corner Beans and Brew looked over what they had. I knew that what ever I got was going to be expensive but I figured the cost was do able and only had to hold until I could get out to get another can of crude since crude is what I usually use to get me though the day at work. I found some bags in the $2.00 off bin and figured why not? I was still pretty groggy and so was their staff since the time was not yet 6:00 a.m.. So, bought the brew and had the baraista ground the beans and I was on my way. It was later when I was at the office and tearing into the bag of coffee that I saw “DEF” on the bottom of the bag—that was all not green anywhere on the which is always the “flag” to me that the coffee is denuded, defrocked or lacking in kick which is what I needed. Actually I saw this and did a shoulder shrug, there could not be that much of a punch now for as long as I have been drinking coffee at my work, surely I must have built a tolerance to the caffeine's effect long ago and truth be told I did not think the decaf coffee was any different then my regular until Frank asked if I had had a rough night. I said no thinking I had actually had a pretty good night allowing me to rise early enough to pick up the decaf, and asked Frank. His reply was that I was looking pretty rough then later in the day Dianne called and as we chatted she asked if I was tired!! Again, I asked why and she said I sounded exhausted. It was then I did feel more tired then I usually felt .and the only difference was the non “octane”. I coul not believe it. I needed some real java.

So the coffee has been a ow priority for me. I have been trying to get by with my make believe. If I really thought I needed real coffee I would just grind some at home and bring it in and mix with the other. The van was nor ready on Monday and yesterday, Tuesday we got the call the vehicle was done and I even picked the van up on my way home from work, so I could have stopped and got some coffee but I didn't and I brewed another pot of the stuff today but the consequences have been challenging. Tonight I will grind a few beans to get me through tomorrow and then over the holiday weekend I'll pick up some real coffee and we cn then hope for a more alert Tuesday.

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