Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day One Way or Another

Its raining the nice days of Spring have come and gone and cold front has move in for the rest of today and the first of the week. We just finished a small Mother's Day lunch with BGndA. The event was nice and low effort. We prepared the roast an the kids brought rolls, an vegetables. This event must be placed in the context of BRIDGET being so pregnant that the poor girl could deliver at any second. We ate dinner timing the time of the contractions something definitely seems to be happening. So, now its just a matter of waiting.

Dianne and the girls have gone off shopping. Anakah thinks she needs shoes which was a good enough reason to get out to payless and who know where else. i just Asked Dianne to be home before dark unless our little john doe arrives hen who know wwhen dd will be home.

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