Sunday, May 29, 2011

Two Birth Days

We had an addition to the family this week. Asher was born to Bridget On Thursday morning or afternoon—I forget all I knew I was getting ready for or had just finishing my broadcast. I remember because I was tied up with my guest when my phone range and Frank took the call and notified me the birth had taken place, I knew the birth was going to happen began Asher was induced because he had been having such a difficult time initiating the birth process. Now, Asher did have a bit of a challenge exiting the womb and he had to twist and turn to make the great escape but he managed and made it. Following work I took the train yo the hospital and was surprised to see Brooks, Bridget's brother standing in the room with the fam. I cannot say I was shocked, it was just natural to see him standing there. Brooks actually took time off from his insurance business in Vancouver and flew to Salt Lake City/Murray to be with his sister and family. This was really a “'Waltons”moment which does not happen all that much with this family but was great to see and experience.

Today Sunday the 29th of may is also my daughter, Michelle's 29th birthday. Shelly lives in Oregon, not far from the Washington border. Michelle have given me two very special grand daughters. Michelle, Dustin and the two girls live in the great North West—they're kinda hippies and I think that is cool. Michelle has done very good in establishing herself in her relationship as wife and mom and manager in a manager telecommunication company. Michelle is special in that I have never really had to worry about her. Michelle has always managed to take care of herself and her family i.e. her two younger brothers and she still does time to time. It seems I have never really had easy access to Michelle. There was a short while when she lived in Blackfoot right after she was born that we were neighbors and I saw he daily, and that felt good but not long after the divorce her mom remarried and moved from easy access. For a brief time in her high school years Michelle actually lived with our family in Murray I believe when Michelle was a Junior at Murray high. That was the year of Michelle preforming in Murray choir by day and living on the INTERNET by night. Many times we her the clicking of computer keys, madly into the night behind the door to her room but immediately after graduation Michelle migrated, once again, to the great Northwest.Two bisrh

Two birthdays in may at the end of the month very close to Memorial day. Cards and or presents to get and send,Michelle continues to grow and mature and Asher is starting out. Ashers seems quiet, strong and self assured –I don't know why I feel that way but from holding the lad and watching him the day of his birth makes me feel that way. Happy birthday my special may babies I love and miss you...

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