Tuesday, May 03, 2011

One day at a Time

It really Is quite remarkable that I throw myself out of my bed,into the shower get dressed and fix me something to eat and get out to the bus stop each morning usually totally independent. This sounds like a small thing but for me, doing all this before 6:00 A.M. IS A BIG DEAL! I love being as independent as I am. I am getting more then a little nervous as I age and loose the ability to take care of myself even just a little. Its happening. I am getting by I just don't know for how long. I am sure I still have years of quasi-independence but I just wonder.

A coupe nights ago I was transferring on to the toilet,or trying to and my arm gave out, just a little, or maybe the chair slipped and I started to slide down between the chair and toilet towards the floor. Luckily, Dd was in the computer room which is next to the bathroom an she was able to run in and push my chair up against the commode blocking my fall and I was able to drag myself back up into my chair saving me from what ever I would have had to do to get back up after the floor: neighbors, brother or sons or worse case emergency responders of one sort or another. It's going to happen and I am going to fall its just a matter of time.

This morning started out great, good night's sleep, shower no problems, even was able to eat some breakfast and then transfer into my power chair and then I felt the urge—you now it gas or something else? I caught myself in time it was something else and I made the decision I had better get on the pot ans see what business I could do, even though I only had about 14 minutes before I had to leave the house if I was going to catch my usual bus to the train station. I made it though, I pulled down my pants and transferred onto the throne just in time. Now, mind you this was all done from my power wheel chair which I rarely do. I was not able to make the transfer back to the chair after my movement and after I cleaned my self up. I called and called for Dianne, finally waking her she was able to assist me in getting back into my chair and getting my pants back up. Dianne ended up driving me to the train station and I was only 10 minutes late for work! It could have been a lot worse. I could have been on the train or at work and had the “ accident” pooparama in the pants. The poopaama has only hit a couple of times and the pooparama is not pretty.

So, I made it today, I feel a little unsettled but I made it. Hopefully the rest of the week will run smoother and I will not feel I am living in a crises. I just don't know how long I can keep this up.

1 comment:

Carpenters' said...

I love you!~LaRene