Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Gimp Birthday

I am sleepy today and that is not good for a Tuesday, I still have a long way to go before the weekend but I think if I can get to bed at a decent hour tonight or tomorrow I will get more steam by the end of the week and for sure the weekend. We had some great storming last evening and we sat on the ramp and watched the storm till the temperature actually got too chilly to comfortably stay out on the ramp.

I had initially intended to have this piece written to post on Sunday and then yesterday but life seems to have a way of getting in the way. Yesterday was the 46th anniversary of my turning quadriplegic from a motor vehicle accident! 46 years in a blink of the eye. I have never really put to much energy into “what day” and “how many years since” kind of stuff but since I have been back to rehab and seeing my doc on a more regular basis these mile markers seem to have major significance. But over all I feel I have done pretty well: married 2.4.6 kids with grandchildren, long positive work history with a bs degree. Issues secondary to SCI have been minimal but seem to be increasing as I age—I guess its only natural that I degrade s I age. But I am Ok. Dianne uploaded the image from my accident scene on to her Facebook account yesterday when she acknowledged the years and I am surprised at how many folk have responded.

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