Friday, September 07, 2012


I wish I had captured an image of my Starbucks this morning.  I have a Starbuck adjacent to my bus stop so I have to admit I have been stopping at Starbucks more then I should this last year. I cannot justify my spending there it is just something I do-I may have gotten into  the habit during the cold weather , darting I to the coffee shop to get out of the morning’s cold. I purchase a drink then as kind of an offering or admission to the warmth. Then my “gold card” arrived in the mail making me something real special—or so the whole marketing plan is I am sure—well, it worked. I dumped money into the card and purchase a morning beverage often.
This morning when I got the bus stop  and Starbucks the access ramp to the building was gone and the whole area was yellow taped off, there was definite construction going on. The building was off limits to me and this was cool.  I did however, look kind of pathetic I am sure sitting in front like a PSA for access. I should have a tear running down my face like that grand old Indian in the PSA about litter in America.
Actually I don’t think I was all that upset with the access issue, I skipped yesterday-un related reason—I would survive today and I am sure they will have a bigger and better ramp installed over the weekend.  But, now my fellow coffee buds, folks who get their daily fixes every morning the same time I do started arriving.  These good folks started getting upset. I shrugged it off but they insisted on at least  having ordering my drink then they would pick it up  and bring it out. Sure why not so I ordered my latte—Friday latte.
I have gotten into the habit of ordering my drink, stuffing the drink into my backpack and heading into work. The bus and train ride or so rough I rarely even taste my beverage until I get to the office and to my computer.  I did taste my beverage as I waited for the bus and realized this was not what I ordered—this was coffee not latte as I had wished.  When my drink arrived I tried to pay but I could not get anyone to carry my card in so I got the drink gratis which makes it hard to complain.  I am sure there may have been some guilt associated with the free drink as well due to the access question. I missed my latte I must admit—today I wanted something more than coffee but hey it was a large ad it was free. Beggars cannot be choosers and you get what you pay for.

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