Thursday, December 11, 2014

December !

When did it become 11 December? Like everything else this month is going way too fast and I'm not getting anything accomplished despite the beautiful weather. I seem to be just getting by and that is saying a lot. I continue to battle the spasms and my cherished independence. It's weird, I don't know what is happening all of a sudden I'm losing the ability to do things that traditionally have had no issue with doing. Major case in point transferring from my power chair to my manual chair . I've had to call him Dianne every night this past couple weeks to assist me in not falling out of my manual was able to do before. I know I am scaring Dianne to pieces and I don't know what to do. I don't see how this related to my spasticity but it might be. I believe it's time to contact my care provider and see what can be done. Add to this my ongoing inability to sleep. This is really getting tense. I can't write it off as an age thing, though I'm sure agents of the do with it.

This week I have been able to make my appointments. I even spent some time under the drill yesterday which went off without a hitch. I cannot believe I lived so much terror, all my life, regarding the dentist. I'm going to attribute this to my experience with Dr. Froggly – – by earliest experience that I can remember with a dentist – – possibly a brother Ross used to scan us not out of me regarding everything and especially the dentist with the needle in the eye. Now, even on the day I know it's going to be a drill day I just roll right in tilt the chair back and let the DOC go to work . I still have one sitting left which will be on Monday. Two cavities to be filled then I'll be done way in time for Christmas and the new year I am so thankful.

Now, I need to get the girls Christmas packages off hopefully in time for the holiday. Still need to do something for my grandkids here in Utah as well's the rest of the family.

I'm exhausted I must get some sleep.

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