Monday, December 08, 2014

Scared To Death

I am really beginning to freak out regarding spasticity thing I'm going through. It's been more than a week now and I really haven't seen a whole lot of progress with the spasticity issues. True, I began taking the medication as prescribed on the ball. I was taking the about half that much of the baclofen and I must admit I think taking the prescribed dosage has been more productive than I would've imagined. It took less than the prescribed amount because I didn't want to get totally addicted to baclofen or the muscle relaxant or whatever it is. I wanted to give the prescribed dosage a shot before I ran to my healthcare provider like chicken Little with my head in my hands screaming the sky was falling. I think to some degree I am begins sleep through the night better. However bear in mind when I started taking the prescribed back he found I was also on an antibiotic or UTI. The regimen has run its course now Don scared to death that I'm just going to come inundated with another UTI. Just have it be hypervigilant and I hate being hypervigilant. So I'm really not sleeping all that good and I think is beginning to wear on Dianne plus all the other stuff I'm scared her to death. I just don't know what to do she does not know what to do we do not know except now I guess it's time to make an appointment with my healthcare provider cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Some of the things I can explore which might assist with the spasms might be one going back and getting to physical therapy. Some rail physical therapy where the action stretcher. It's some of the postings I've read on the Internet regarding spasticity has indicated a good stretching the greatly assist in downplaying the spasms it has been a number of decades since I had any real physical therapy and like I said I'm at a point where anything is worth a shot. Also, I may seriously have to look at getting some sort of assistance i.e. people to come in and assist with either bathing, dressing and who knows what else to get by. You know it's not that I don't know about this kind of stuff, it's not like I have not recommended this exact same solution to many others over the years. I just am having trouble looking into the same stuff for me. Maybe it's time though even the bathing aspect once a week would be great.

I've also developed some sort of information in the muscle tissue up by left side up in the shoulder. I think this pain has manifested itself from the fact that I use this left side so much in my transfers and my repositioning myself all through the day when I'm in my manual chair. I think I've insult of that side just one too many times and is now letting me know. I'm addressing the issue with ibuprofen which seems to get me by but I've noticed it is really taking a long time to get dressed.

Now need to get top my sleep situation if I could do that I think I'll be getting close to where I was at before I start having issues with my personal independence. You know it's scaring me to death

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