Thursday, April 23, 2015

Breakfast Of Champions

Traditionally I really have not been a big fan breakfast, At least home breakfast, That quasi-meal you grab before you head out the door early in the morning. But recently I've noticed we have a number of half use bags of breakfast cereal line around the counters the kitchen and I figured what the heck, why not save a little money and eat breakfast, cold cereal and toast maybe even a banana before I dash out the door? True, this is not the breakfast of champions but who ever said I was a champion?

When I came home from rehab yesterday Dianne was out and about I noticed you been shopping for groceries. Yesterday when I had my breakfast I noticed we were short on milk house so please the Dianne that Diann purchased a half-gallon of milk. So this morning was quite pleased when I was able to open the refrigerator door – – which is a real physical task in itself for me and the milk was sitting right there easily within my reach. I got the milk out to have a second challenge in the morning which was to unscrew the lid on the milk container. In the last couple years that milk containers have gone from the origami type where you have to hold both sides at the top of the container to open the milk, Which of course is in the asked for me but once it's open I can use it pretty well. Now is the twist on lid in the center of the top carton. Of course, there's no way I'm getting that off with my quad hands so it's holding the card twisting the top off or at least starting to top and then being able to twist off the top between both my hands. However once again able-bodied universe conspires to thwart me with the Firs use safety device Which has to be removed before content can removed from the device. It's usually a polyethylene ring attached to a seal it must be wrenched free. So, I must figure out a way to lift up the ring grab the ring with my teeth And whole the seal free. This morning I was somewhat pleased with myself because I was able to do all those steps independently. I had my breakfast Chex milk and banana and of course wheat toast. My real challenge came when after breakfast they were put the milk away. I knew this is really a problem and what I had visions of came to pass. I had the lead between both of my hands trying to settle the lid onto the spout and for one reason or another the lid flew out of my hands and onto the floor. So then it was off to the bedroom where I keep my long stick and found a red plastic cup in the kitchen through the cup on the floor. I then putted the round lid into the plastic cup Then wedged the hook into the cut and lifted The cup on to a secure place were in I retrieved the lid and this time was able to secure the cap In place. I was quite pleased being able to do this little exercise but still a little pissed at having to do it. Sometimes I just hate challenges.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Somewhere To Go Somewhere To Be

The days are remarkably beautiful we've had a number of days without rain and the temperatures in the 70s this enjoy the out on the tarmac on days like these. Yesterday was a good day, in the morning I went to assist, Inc., and did my duty there then I was off to physical therapy got stretched and walked out following that I went to Wellness and finished my workout. It was a full day I got home a little after 4 PM and went right in and did my Saratoga silver for 30 minutes for the completion of my orkout day. So with travel I put in whole day.

Today, I just have physical therapy and a light workout at Wellness But that's going to take the whole day.By the time I finish Wellness catch the bus to the train I'll be rolling in the door after 4 o'clock just in time for my workout on the bike. I wish I was doing more, I feel I'm wasting so much time really if I weren't traveling back and forth to PT and wellness I would probably just be doing nothing at home. So thankful to have somewhere to go and a place to be.

Yesterday I was checking my emails and my Facebook and I saw a message from Marcy Mulligan who I didn't recognize at first. She wanted me to call her and take me out to lunch. It was only when I noticed that she represented Utah Non-Profit Housing Corporation, another volunteer board I said on,And one have not been too active on this past year with all my medical issues. I had a few minutes before my Assist meeting yesterday, At the public library so I gave her call. The board had actually put together a card for me and wanted me to have lunch on them. Utah Non-Profit Has rebuilt their headquarters and would like me to to really headquarters and give them any feedback as far as its accessibility to people in wheelchairs. This was great is your so please that would be willing to work with me. I kind of thought that forgotten me but apparently not. Again, somewhere to go someplace to be makes all difference in the world

Monday, April 20, 2015

Decision Time

It's finally done I hope. I spent the afternoon with my durable medical provider going over the final specifications of new power chair. I hate this kind of stuff sitting down with a salesperson To make sure that you're getting exactly what you want. I know the second that I complete something like this product I get will not be what I thought the product that I ordered was. I know that sounds really dysfunctional but no life is always been like that. It seems like I spend my life swimming in the sea of buyers remorse. To know what I'm glad it's over. You will go over the order one more time with my physical therapist Minimum everyone is in agreement ureter will be placed chair we made it sometime in late May or June I should have my new power chair which I should “Enjoy” for the next five years. What really frightens me is that as we sat down to go over this order what he read me back was nothing that I really remember that really, spooks me. But it's important. I learned this lesson too well when I ordered my manual chair. The chair that I got was nothing like I remember ordering and I'm stuck with the chair now and it mocks me every time I pass it wherever and I stick it in the house to get all the way.

My DMV( durable medical vendor) is Jason. Jason is a nice guy, All salespeople nice people to begin with? I mean I've been in sales I know how to turn on the charm while I'm trying to make the deal. I really want to believe Jason has my best interest of mine and it seemed like he did as you gone through this process but then again the same guy that sold me my manual chair which I do not really use. I really don't know if it was Jason my physical therapist who pushed the feature so that chair that makes it so unusable for me and I really love my physical therapist she's great and I know she always has my interest in mind so I don't know what to think. One part of me is almost excited as we close the deal and I look forward to a new piece of equipment which I think will basically serve my needs. I will get in the chair and hopefully I'll be happy with the chair and will take some time to get used to the new vehicle but I'm sure in time I will enjoy the chair. I just hope my excitement back so I'm not too let down if in fact the chair is a dog. The chair I finally decided on is a newer model the chair I'm currently driving which is a quantum 6000 Z. I've had a love-hate relationship with the vehicle but overall I've enjoyed the chair. The 6000 Z was a little quirky for me but we've gotten to know each other and accept each other. What I liked about this chair is that it goes 8 miles an hour and has really large batteries – – the new chair is another quantum see and I have the same size batteries and motors are smaller and lower me to go only 6 miles an hour. For some reason this really threatens me but I think that's a pride issue I have to get over. My need for speed is not the same as it was five or six years ago or as traveling almost a mile back and forth to the bus stop every day when I was working. I am no longer working so I'm not traveling the distance as I was. Now I'm going back and forth to the bus stop closer to my home in Modesto do the same kind of speed as I did then. I have to admit I really enjoy ignoring that my power chair was a little bit faster than everybody else's on the bus or the train and that's just silly pride. After all I am in a completely new stage of life now my needs have changed and I have to accept that.

So Jason will call tomorrow or the day after let me know that everything's a go and the chair is been ordered. Even though I know better I will become excited thinking of the new chair coming my way like getting a new bike is a kid… Who I am kidding? I'm still a kid.

Friday, April 17, 2015

It's Something I Can Do

My rehabilitation is killing us financially. It sort of like the old saw “the operation was a success but the patient died”. I am getting all this medical attention but little by little we are down the proverbial drain. I continue my physical therapy three days a week at the UofU Sugarhouse clinic. What is really amazing is I continue to enjoy any kind of rehab. The 12 or what ever many sessions which my insurance provided ran out a couple of weeks ago. I was making progress however slight. I was shocked, pleased and humbled when Kristin told me about HB 400 which was passed in 2012 And provides funding for folks the survived dramatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. In my case it has provided funding for 22 more visits to my physical therapist which is not a lot but better than nothing and twice as much is my insurance provided. So, I am taking my physical therapy three times a week plus dropping into the Wellness clinic for my physical workout during those visits to the physical therapist. Sometimes I go more than three times but fortunately I have the equipment for physical working out at home.

So my physical therapy continues I get so impatient with how slow my improvement seems to be but I'm thankful to have the resources available to me for this continued therapy which is providing my continued progress. I mainly seem to be focusing on doing lifts basically sitting on a mat and pushing myself up as high as I can which in my estimation is not very high it seems to make my therapists extremely happy when I go through the efforts. I am even beginning to make rudimentary efforts at transfer. I don't know if I'll get to the point before I was before I stenosis but I'm making progress or so it seems.

Of the things I've picked up over the years of my involvement in private nonprofit industry is the power of personal letter in support of the project, a person or concept. A letter to who or what is ever in control of any particular project. The letter sounds like a little thing, a few words printed out on paper or even better scrawl out in one's hand can be a powerful thing. Writing a letter really does not cost anything to me except a stamp. I just have to make the time to write the document and send it off. It's one of those things that doesn't make a big difference if I don't do it that makes a major difference if I do. Letter will be stuck in some folder somewhere and looked at maybe if funding particular item/project was cut. Then I'll support items like letters I reviewed in the amount letters themselves just might make a difference but the letters have to be there, someone has to write that is what I can do. I can write letters that make the difference and I do. Writing letters is a little thing but it's what I can do.. I'm also going to write a letter of support for my physical therapist because she informed me about HB 400 which provides this funding for those who needed and sadly I am one of those people who need the funding. My physical therapist is very young, I don't think she understands how important someone like me writing the letter this or how important her having the knowledge and the ability to go to bat for someone like me is. I'm just glad she let me know.

Monday, April 06, 2015

What To Do About John?

John, my morning staff, just left , “staff” the euphemism for attendant care folks those guys that get you up and put you to bed and do activities of daily living like bathe And poop. I feel it is been quite a trip getting to know and understand this process And I'm not even sure that I understand the process entirely yet. The agency idea with I kind of feel is struggling to maintain their stable of attendants. I feel this Way because I keep getting what I think are substitutes. That's okay but it's a little unsettling when the substitute provides better services then your main people and you're left with feeling wishing you had these people, the substitutes full-time.

John, he is okay, he is in his late 40s early 50s, reminds me of Billy Joel song. John was not from the Utah area I think back east somewhere like Pennsylvania. I get the impression that John does homecare services as a backup to his less than thriving real estate ventures. He's got a couple apartments that he tries to rent out seems to do fairly well, all things considered. If the rent situation Utah was a little bit better he could probably quit his attendant Work And just keep track of his rentals he would be doing just fine. John seems to be a long-term relationship with the managing editor of a local counterculture newsletter or newspaper. John sounds like you would like to dump her I don't he ever well, she's got money and probably connections and is comfortable. I sense she nags little but I also sense that John needs the nagging to keep him focused. John went through a terrible divorce years ago and the X as kept his feet to the fire with alimony ever since. John is quite bitter but hides the bitterness fairly well I bet after a couple drinks dark side takes over and John rants a little. I would not say John's lazy but his work with me is a little pathetic. He has an interesting way of having me do stuff for myself that he says is good for me that the other staff do themselves. Case in point, John says the agency he works with has policy that unless you're qualified Staff cannot shave a person. Last other staff this question they just laughed and said of course they shave the people if that is what they need. John is my morning staff five days a week on the weekends I seem to have his floaters and they're really good. I like to shave myself even though it is a bit of a struggle especially the back Of my head a little crevice for the skull attaches to the back of my neck Where there is a divot there And I just can't reach it. It is just interesting that John lied about that. I understood if he is unsure of himself with a razor. John didn't have to fabricate this policy thing. There also morning “wash up”, where staff well take a wet wipe and wash the penis testicles anal area if you have not leaked anywhere during the night. It is just a refresher thing but John insists I do my own penis and testicles whereas other staff would go right to town to do the job herself. At first I was going to say something but then I realized I was beginning to let staff do things that I could do myself And should be doing myself if I'm ever going to independent again. So I don't say anything I just wonder. I actually like our early morning banter But I should control John better. I think I like John and keep John because he is old guy like me– – Actually quite a bit younger but we are still the same generation and we know the old guy stuff and I guess that's worth a lot of fabrication.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter Musings

It's Easter Sunday late afternoon and I'm sitting here trying to get spooked about upcoming doctors appointment I have on Tuesday. I'm going to have an MRI and then later next week I will be meeting with follow-up with my neurosurgeon to find out what the next step in to be my so-called recovery . My spasms never left however they did diminish in their ferocity And I have to say they are not as bad as they were before the operation but spasms seem to be increasing in their intensity And this is scary for me. I'm just terrified the doc Is going to say that they're going to have to do another operation just don't think I could do that. I think I could do another operation if the outcome is going to be good but the cost was my other arm, my right arm I think that really would make me too much of an invalid.

We continue to have to rely on outside help to Get me up And put me to bed and do other activities of daily living. Have to admit we're getting somewhat used to the whole thing odd as that sounds. The staff we've gotten so far Have been at different levels of Competency but have all been trainable and somewhat likable is not endearing in funny ways. In a funny way I will miss these people when I get strong enough to return to my regular routine. I am a little worried that my progress will be delayed as I ran out of insurance benefits that cover physical therapy. My therapist is trying to find some financial support which well pay for a couple more weeks of physical therapy which will be Of some assistance but still fall way short of what I am afraid I'm going to need. We just have to have faith and take one day at a time and hope for the best outcomes.

Can't say this is a beautiful Easter Sunday but was not a bad Easter Sunday either. My staff is here promptly at seven, Dianne was up and had coffee made promptly assisted staff continue to instruct her on my needs. It was a good morning – – we took our coffee out on the porch and sat there and watched neighborhood as long as we could. There's a cold front moving in the morning was windy sort of the damper on the beauty of the day. Had there not been any Wind the morning would've been perfect. Later in the day Dianne cooked couple of potatoes Which I processed into a potato salad, we had to ham purchased waiting for Christmas and cooked a squash We purchased at the farmers market last fall. The squash was surprisingly good as was the rest of the day. I was somewhat dismayed at how much energy it took me to process the potatoes and Make the salad. I am still amazed at how much I used my left side and how not having my left side affects my lifestyle. The rest of the day is spent reading my new Steven King but I got from my sister Friday. Happy Easter everyone

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Even Tide in Spring

It's hard to believe that it's Easter weekend and conference weekend and is the middle of the first week of April! I really fallen down in my postings and I apologize for that. I could use the excuse that my physical therapy plus my Wellness takes by time and is true to a certain point. I have been leaving pretty early in the morning to make sure I get to my physical therapy which was at or is that 1 o'clock on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. Then on Tuesday I have my Assist, Inc. meeting and really it's quite late by the time I get home. Then I spin for half an hour Figure out something for dinner and then it's almost time to get rid of her bed since I go to bed at 8 o'clock these days. Still this is a bad excuse or maybe a good excuse for not keeping up with my blog and I think I might even be dealing with some situational depression brought about by my loss control of my life. But it's spring and Springs Always lifts my spirits . In fact I have been trying to finish this posting all day but I seem to keep getting side tracked. I want to write I really do,I just can not seem to focus, perhaps because it is spring an I want to be outside and that is that. Now its 6:30pm and allI can can focus on is staff will be here in 90 minuteso get me ready for bed and actually in bed by 9:00 pm and that will be she or he wrote for this day. There is still so much I wanted to do in this day.

My sister sent me the new Stephen King, which she just finished. I got it in yesterdays mail and cracked the book today and I spent too much time, sitting on the ramp in the sun reading—it is wonderful to start a new SK. The book is not too spooky, yet but I think its coming. I have been reading Moby Dick on my tablet, which I have now put on hold as I joy the wonder of King. Thanks little sister,thanks for being part of my life.

I could write more but now I must take my meds, take off shoes and clothes and wait for my evening staff to arrive and finish throwing me to bed. Its Spring, its still very light outside and warm and the yellow tulips are almost out