Monday, April 06, 2015

What To Do About John?

John, my morning staff, just left , “staff” the euphemism for attendant care folks those guys that get you up and put you to bed and do activities of daily living like bathe And poop. I feel it is been quite a trip getting to know and understand this process And I'm not even sure that I understand the process entirely yet. The agency idea with I kind of feel is struggling to maintain their stable of attendants. I feel this Way because I keep getting what I think are substitutes. That's okay but it's a little unsettling when the substitute provides better services then your main people and you're left with feeling wishing you had these people, the substitutes full-time.

John, he is okay, he is in his late 40s early 50s, reminds me of Billy Joel song. John was not from the Utah area I think back east somewhere like Pennsylvania. I get the impression that John does homecare services as a backup to his less than thriving real estate ventures. He's got a couple apartments that he tries to rent out seems to do fairly well, all things considered. If the rent situation Utah was a little bit better he could probably quit his attendant Work And just keep track of his rentals he would be doing just fine. John seems to be a long-term relationship with the managing editor of a local counterculture newsletter or newspaper. John sounds like you would like to dump her I don't he ever well, she's got money and probably connections and is comfortable. I sense she nags little but I also sense that John needs the nagging to keep him focused. John went through a terrible divorce years ago and the X as kept his feet to the fire with alimony ever since. John is quite bitter but hides the bitterness fairly well I bet after a couple drinks dark side takes over and John rants a little. I would not say John's lazy but his work with me is a little pathetic. He has an interesting way of having me do stuff for myself that he says is good for me that the other staff do themselves. Case in point, John says the agency he works with has policy that unless you're qualified Staff cannot shave a person. Last other staff this question they just laughed and said of course they shave the people if that is what they need. John is my morning staff five days a week on the weekends I seem to have his floaters and they're really good. I like to shave myself even though it is a bit of a struggle especially the back Of my head a little crevice for the skull attaches to the back of my neck Where there is a divot there And I just can't reach it. It is just interesting that John lied about that. I understood if he is unsure of himself with a razor. John didn't have to fabricate this policy thing. There also morning “wash up”, where staff well take a wet wipe and wash the penis testicles anal area if you have not leaked anywhere during the night. It is just a refresher thing but John insists I do my own penis and testicles whereas other staff would go right to town to do the job herself. At first I was going to say something but then I realized I was beginning to let staff do things that I could do myself And should be doing myself if I'm ever going to independent again. So I don't say anything I just wonder. I actually like our early morning banter But I should control John better. I think I like John and keep John because he is old guy like me– – Actually quite a bit younger but we are still the same generation and we know the old guy stuff and I guess that's worth a lot of fabrication.

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