Friday, April 17, 2015

It's Something I Can Do

My rehabilitation is killing us financially. It sort of like the old saw “the operation was a success but the patient died”. I am getting all this medical attention but little by little we are down the proverbial drain. I continue my physical therapy three days a week at the UofU Sugarhouse clinic. What is really amazing is I continue to enjoy any kind of rehab. The 12 or what ever many sessions which my insurance provided ran out a couple of weeks ago. I was making progress however slight. I was shocked, pleased and humbled when Kristin told me about HB 400 which was passed in 2012 And provides funding for folks the survived dramatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. In my case it has provided funding for 22 more visits to my physical therapist which is not a lot but better than nothing and twice as much is my insurance provided. So, I am taking my physical therapy three times a week plus dropping into the Wellness clinic for my physical workout during those visits to the physical therapist. Sometimes I go more than three times but fortunately I have the equipment for physical working out at home.

So my physical therapy continues I get so impatient with how slow my improvement seems to be but I'm thankful to have the resources available to me for this continued therapy which is providing my continued progress. I mainly seem to be focusing on doing lifts basically sitting on a mat and pushing myself up as high as I can which in my estimation is not very high it seems to make my therapists extremely happy when I go through the efforts. I am even beginning to make rudimentary efforts at transfer. I don't know if I'll get to the point before I was before I stenosis but I'm making progress or so it seems.

Of the things I've picked up over the years of my involvement in private nonprofit industry is the power of personal letter in support of the project, a person or concept. A letter to who or what is ever in control of any particular project. The letter sounds like a little thing, a few words printed out on paper or even better scrawl out in one's hand can be a powerful thing. Writing a letter really does not cost anything to me except a stamp. I just have to make the time to write the document and send it off. It's one of those things that doesn't make a big difference if I don't do it that makes a major difference if I do. Letter will be stuck in some folder somewhere and looked at maybe if funding particular item/project was cut. Then I'll support items like letters I reviewed in the amount letters themselves just might make a difference but the letters have to be there, someone has to write that is what I can do. I can write letters that make the difference and I do. Writing letters is a little thing but it's what I can do.. I'm also going to write a letter of support for my physical therapist because she informed me about HB 400 which provides this funding for those who needed and sadly I am one of those people who need the funding. My physical therapist is very young, I don't think she understands how important someone like me writing the letter this or how important her having the knowledge and the ability to go to bat for someone like me is. I'm just glad she let me know.

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