Thursday, May 09, 2024

For however long

 I know, I know I was way into almost sleep last night for all the sudden I realized I'd gone to bed without doing a posting to my blog. There was a time when I would have actually drug my ass out of bed rolled over to my tablet and dictated a posting but not anymore. I will try to keep posting every day but not with the same tenacity as I have been. No particular reason except why? I proved to myself I can make many many 500 word minimum posts so I have the verbiage to do a novel or a book if I really wanted to obviously I don't want to accept the back back of my mind there is a nickel every once in a while that says write the book but who knows if I even have enough time at this point in my life seriously. 

The weather is still not stable enough for me anyway to go out and do some rolling around. I don't have any reason to. I've got everything I need for right now I think tomorrow or Saturday I may go get some Provisions for the weekend but bottom line I really don't need to be in the market I don't need to be purchasing anything just for the fun of it. I think until I get my tooth paid for I'm going to keep a low profile spending wise not that I spend a lot anyway. I do need to get some more shirts. I threw another shirt away yesterday after I took it off and realizing that all day I had been rolling around looking like a hobo. The shirt that I was wearing had this gigantic rip in my left sleeve and there were holes strewn around the shirt itself. I love the shirt and I hated to throw it in the garbage but if I don't we'll just show up in my closet again and I'll wear it again. If I was really Brave I would get rid of all my holy shirts and get a bunch of new long sleeve jobbies for the coming fall and winter. Soon I believe I'll be wearing nothing but short sleeve shirts tell that time. It's kind of difficult to tell what I'm going to need I'm really getting a little freaked out about all the weather will change that's happening as soon by global warming that's what I'm hearing on the news anyway. Weather patterns seem to be changing the over across the country there's no reason that I shouldn't be that way in Utah. I doubt that we will see any major tornadoes but who knows? We could see just more rain or maybe hot Temps in the dry season. There's so many ways the seasons could go different that they've ever been before and all I believe due to global warming. I try not to get too spooked about the whole thing but we have yet to be visited with the Calamity that other parts of the country seem to be getting pounded by especially the flooding and the tornadoes. I just keep waking up every day and showing up to her I need to go if I need to be anywhere. If not I mess around the apartment watch something on streaming work out cook or make something and just really enjoy my apartment for however long I get to

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