Friday, May 31, 2024


 I could have sworn that may had just 30 days. Imagine my somewhat relief and our Chagrin when I found that today was the 31st of May. I can let the writing of the kid letters go one more day but really I'm glad I got them done and out the door that just means the recipients will be getting them very early in the month and that's okay by me it shows that I care. The latest book that I got from my friend Dennis D. from my old days was the latest Stephen King! That is so cool to have somebody to care about you so much they'll give you a brand new addition of whatever it is that you really enjoy. This volume is a collection of a short stories and timely as it was I happen to hear a NPR interview with Stephen King earlier last week which was really interesting because they talked about he's cleaning up the odds and ends of his riding life and a lot of these stories were ones that he had either thought of or wrote years ago and have never seen the light of day in that time but now as he cleans out his drawers and his other items of storage he's running across some of these ideas and writings and just enough for this last batch. I just finished the biggest of the longest short story in the bench something over 50 pages and was pretty good not one of his best but interesting/entertaining and that's what I want at least something entertaining that I might enjoy during the sun failed days of summer. I started the next story and I can tell it's going to go fast so I think this volume is going to last me not very long and I need to start hustling to make sure I have another in time for the next holiday which I plan to have this done by and hopefully another one to start. How decadent is this wanting to have backup books so when you get done with the current volume you have somewhere to go to the next immediately? I spent two or three hours outside sitting in the sun today trying to read and I got some reading accomplished but I also got some nice sunshine the only drawback was the day could have been warmer and less Breezy. I think it was only in the old 70s today like I said it was good/okay but it could have been better but I'm not going to complain everyday is a gift especially at this point in my life.

I don't know if it is the fact that I've seen the park butchers topple over so many trees that now I'm getting somewhat desensitized to the whole concept and getting used to see great Hulks of trees, trunks shredded and limbs Helter Skelter being eaten by giant bulldozers and other machinery with grabbing and chewing devices it seems going after the remnants of the trees out of Fallen and every once in a while push it over another just for the fun of it. I rolled around the perimeter of the park this evening and like I said perhaps I getting used to the whole idea but it didn't seem so bad this evening even though I could see now who are many of the trees have been taken out and are still in the process of being liquidated. A side from having too many sports type venues they're going to put in basketball hoops, Maybe the rebuild will not be so bad and maybe it will look good and maybe it'll be usable. I'll be interested in somewhat excited to bring an end to this reconstruction- - maybe it's just the fact that I'm old and that resistant to change…×

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