Sunday, May 26, 2024

Springs sunshine

 Today started out cool but with the high pressure system that's building in it's got to be a lot warmer and enjoyable to be out in though I have not really spent a good deal of time outside in the elements after returning home from breakfast with Marc Anthony. We had a pretty good breakfast discussion and I think enjoyed each other's company. The kids were involved in other things today so they didn't join us however Jasmine is indicated they will probably come over tomorrow and help decorate my front door. They're going to do it on Saturday but we didn't make connections. I know it's kind of weird me decorated my front door but I sort of feel pressed into the situation since all my neighbors have these stunning wonderful art pieces on their front door. I really not thought much about it until this last year and I'm sort of getting into the door decoration group now. I must admit having a granddaughter willing to work with me on making my door different certainly adds some dedication to the project. We had or should I say have balloon heads on the door made out of the balloons that Jasmine put on a couple months ago. I think now I will make or have Jasmine make like ice cream cones that will go under the balloon heads down and I'll be able to keep them up for maybe all the summer unless I get excited about some other thing to put on the door. I'm kind of holding out to find some sort of Marvel Universe door decoration kit. I know they have something like that but I just haven't really looked into that that much.

Have not been much over to the park this spring season yet. I've gone through it a couple times just to get to somewhere else but now that the good weather has started I need to get over there and spend some real quality time among the trees in the grass. Of course the skateboarding rats will come out of the woodwork now and already I hear them skating night very late like early morning hours when the place is supposed to be closed down at 10:00 p.m. I could be the classical old fart and gripe and moan and grouse about the whole situation but must remember I was once Young and love being out in the Darkness running around and having a good time. Sometimes I'd like to think back on those days of hot summer days bleeding into the night, some days it was so hot that the tar on the road was soft enough that your feet kind of squeezed are sunk into the warm tar walking about during the night. In the summer during the day the black surface is almost too hot to walk on so even late at night the asphalt holds its heat and makes walking Pleasant. I'm sure if I had had a skateboard or skateboard park I would have found somewhere to skate in the Darkness…

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