Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tuesday moments

 I'm kind of getting worried about any damages that weird guy who I had the issue with yesterday we have done to my tablet. Something's changed on it that's for sure and I don't know how extended the effects will go. Trying to access things from the internet now it's very slow. That's okay I can access some fairly decently on my desktop and on my cell phone if I need to it's just that I use this tablet for Just so much stuff. It has an excellent speech to text function that I use a great deal and ever since yesterday the computer can't find the stuff or it's taken forever for it to load. I'm kind of taking a chance on this document and hopefully it'll load decently we'll have to see. I noticed also I had Amazon Prime and now I don't seem to have it anymore and I have to go through a new a count or something to get it functional again I think at way more expensive cost. I think I was grandfathered in because I've had Amazon Prime when it was basically free or maybe I'm just getting attlebrained. Anyway, everything seems to be a little different on my system now I need to be very vigilant that it doesn't get too weird a two different.

The days have been pretty nice lots of sunshine temperatures in that lower 70s which is tolerable with long sleeves for me. Short sleeves will make me feel chilly all the time but in the direct sunlight it's not bad I spend a great deal of time today reading out in the back parking lot and it was pretty comfortable so much so that I didn't go out and do anything today to speak of. I think I would just so excited because I was called yesterday's indicating that I would not have to go into the city today for my Tuesday morning meeting. We've basically ran out of money and we have no grants to award so there's no reason to get together which is kind of a drag but at the same time I enjoy a breakdown then and today was reading my Stephen King. The volume I'm reading is called Holly and it's relatively new because they talk a lot about the pandemic and after the pandemic what's happening to some of the characters in the book. I've read it before but I think I just sort of gleaned over at that point now I'm sort of a deep dive into the volume and pulling out a lot of stuff that I missed when I was trying to just read it through the first time. That's the best thing about Stephen King if you ask me is that he writes so well that it's a joy to read him again and again. I've never done that before and I'm just beginning to do it now. I sort of learned that from my daughter who will we read a book several times if not indefinite. When she's bored or there's nothing else to do she just picks up a a book and just reads it again. I kind of understand. There's a couple Stephen King's I keep reading over and over, I think I've listed them here somewhere in this blog. Tomorrow looks to be a good day too I don't know if I'll spend it reading or maybe jump the bus and go somewhere as long as we have the decent weather. Low pressure systems are coming in I'm not sure what that means except for temperatures are coming down a little bit..

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