Monday, May 06, 2024

Reoccurring dreams

I've been having this strange recurring dream the past couple of nights. It's more than a dream that like lasts the whole evening it seems like while I'm sleeping. I of course think I'm awake but I'm not I'm sleeping. I don't even know if I can identify to address it fairly something to do with time and me and my disability I can't really put my finger on it all I know is that it has something to do with the current pain I have in my mouth. It's Dental Oral pain and it's for ebbing and flowing. Sometimes it's there other times it's not or sometimes it's just kind of there with a slow pain in my brain and it's at this point that I can't stand it or if it's just before bedtime I'll drop a couple ibuprofen and hopefully that will ease me into sleeping then I can sleep until morning hopefully and I'm not above taking a couple more ibuprofen in the middle of the night if the pain actually wakes me up. This morning I think I woke up around 3:30 a.m. but was able to get back to sleep till about 4:00 something and then I tried to get back to sleep which I didn't really get around to and Drug my ass up at 6:00 a.m. as always. Anyway the pain is so significant that when I looked out the back door and saw that the staff and the doc was in at the Dentistry next door or over across the street I made a phone call and I'm in like Flynn tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.. I could have actually gone today but there's only a half an hour of time and the doc thought it would be best that I scheduled for an hour in case he has to do anything. He has to do something. I don't know if this tooth well I do know there's not much of a tooth left there anymore most of it's filling and get into another one we've been trying to say because it's the only grinder I have to speak of in my mouth anymore. I'm sure I could get by without the tooth if we have to extract it but would make real life a little easier to have a grinder on top to match the one beneath. I am proud of myself for making the appointment there's a time where I would drug it out as long as I could for fear of more pain but you know what I finally realized that if anything the dentist stops the pain regardless of the shots in the mouth and the slipped needles in the eye. I always also wonder about these ebb and flow type pain Mills. It's like by the time I get somebody on the phone to make an appointment or something the pain is ABS and there isn't any to speak of and I feel guilty for not being able to tough it out. It's later on in the middle of the night or whenever the pain flows unrestricted and I'm just riding in pain at least feeling pretty bad. But now I'm taking care of it.

The only good part about having this oral tragedy right now is that the weather is so out of control. If I choose not to do anything and stay in the apartment all day just hanging out and dealing with the pain it's so no big deal because I'm not missing any of the day and not feeling good enough to go anywhere. I'm just hoping hope that the good doctor will find what the problem is either repair the tooth, the filling or maybe go inside and strip the nerve out of the tooth and just let it be dead but therefore grinding. You got to have a grinder

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