Saturday, May 04, 2024

Saturday's Sulk

 Today has been kind of a reprieve, the sun has been out the temperature has been almost to 80°. I even was able to lay out a little bit in my chair and catch a few Rays this afternoon. That's about the most adventurous thing I've done today. Still feeling a little under the weather or whatever this is that I've got. I'm beginning to think more and more that it's allergies and this may be just a new stage in my life. That's okay I can take what's coming I'm glad I'm here I'm glad I'm doing as good as I am and nothing set in stone- - not yet anyway. The daylight savings time slash summer extended day thing gets so confusing for me. Not time wise, I mean I know what time it is it's just the feeling that the sun is still out and it makes it feel like I'm like still early in the night when it's really getting kind of late for me. There are certain things I like to have done by a certain time so it doesn't really crowd my going to bed procedures. I like to have them done by 8:00 at least if it's possible but now 8:00 seems like at 6:00 and in the back of my mind it's nibbling indicating that it's getting late but everything else says it's early and I can still do a lot more stuff which I can't and still try to get to bed at a decent time. I still haven't got that masterjet it's rare that I ever get to bed by 11:00 p.m. it's usually around 11:30 to almost 12:00. That makes it difficult to probably get as much sleep as I need but I can usually make it with whatever I get even if that means I'm having to do cat naps during the day and again I don't really mind that that's not like I'm interacting with anybody that is going to be offended that I'm yawning or even slipping out of Consciousness here and there. I think I'm going to have to search around for the iron pills though and just see if at the cost of constipation will I be less tired during the day and I guess that's important. I've got a doctor's appointment coming up in may, it is May, the end of this month and and I know that she's going to ask me how the iron pills are coming along. And I'm going to have to either lie and say I'm taking them or be honest and say I'm taking them for a couple weeks but the truth is I sort of lost them somewhere- which is kind of true. I can live with myself with just a small lie like that specially to somebody in the medical profession. And what's more is that maybe this is the way I'm supposed to feel at this point in my life. Maybe I just do tire outs at the end of the day. That's not such a big deal.

I almost went to coffee this morning, across the street, but I had an issue with getting dressed never really got my shoes on not that it matters over there but I just figured I still had half a pot of coffee why not just heat it up and hang out here at the apartment. I still have pizza from last night's frozen pizza party of one. Now I'm having to deal with the issue that I'm having a tooth that I think is going to abscess pretty soon. Seems about right since I sent the last hundred bucks into my dentist to pay off the last bill the first of this month. The guy just got back from Europe and I don't want him running short...

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