Monday, October 30, 2006

MLM Monday

I just got back from lunch at Senator Hatch’s Women’s Conference lunch. I could not take it any longer I had to leave. Actually, I should not have gone back after I left this morning after the Keynote Speaker Justice O Connor. The only reason I went in the first place was to here the Justice speak. My boss paid for the event—anyone wanting to here the Justice speak could go. Other staff also went to the breakouts. Not me I came back to the office and returned calls and answered phones. In truth I returned to the event to have lunch. Since the office paid for the event , which included the lunch, I figured I might as well eat the lunch. I was hoping for something hot—I would have even settled for rubber, conference chicken. Boy was I dismayed. When I rolled in I knew something was dreadfully wrong. There were box lunches everywhere!! Thousands of them and the lunches were not even sandwiches they were these weird little roll-ups. Mine was turkey, cold and OK. I was going to say yucky but it really was not yucky just OK, I was expecting so much more from a US Senator—warm and yummy at least.

Even O’Connor’s speech was less the satisfying. I expected more then a historical recounting of her life, though that was entertaining from a historical footnote to the first female Suprerme Court Justice. I suppose she was cutting edge in her day as much as someone who was nominated from the Reagan administration could be. I wondered if she was getting a stipend or a speaker’s fee or doing this as a favor to Senator Hatch or the Republican Party. I wonder if she really like the Senator like she said she did of if this was just GOP blab because how could she be as smart as she said she was and still support the Senator? Maybe she feels sorry for him. That’s got to be it sympathy speeching.

The Women’s Conference seems to be a huge Utah event. Then Women’s Conference is definitely the Senator and his wife’s shindig. Country music(barf) and MLM drinks on the table with plastic shot glasses. I did not try any of the elixcir but others at the table did and they liked it. But multi-level marketing at such an event as this pleeeease! But I did notice other MLM s were sponsors to the conference and that says it all. I also wondered if she and he got the same lunch that we got. Just wondering.

PS—thank god all this baseball stuff is over and Fox can get back to it’s regular programming, Standoff, Prison Break, Bones and House should start their “second season” tonight. I don’t like these split season things Fox seems to be pioneering. I cannot believe the viewing public puts up with it. I still cannot believe Fox caved in and nstarted doing the whole sports thing just like the other nets. I lost a lot of faith in Fox this season.

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