Sunday, October 13, 2024

Late summer Sunday

I'm tired tonight, I swear I've been awake since about 3:30 a.m. I don't know why I couldn't sleep unless it's because I didn't do the arm bike yesterday at all and I really need to use the arm bike in order to Tire me out enough for me to sleep. Seriously, that's the main reason I do the arm bike the soul my body will be tired enough to sleep through the night. I don't know how much my arm bike really does for such a thing but I like to believe that and it seems to work to a point. I didn't have a reason for not working out yesterday which I should have. I mean I had garnered my 200 minutes by Thursday and I could have pumped more on Friday but I didn't and I really think that is the reason but I didn't sleep well last night. However I was tired last night and the only reason I woke up so early was because I had to drain my bladder and sometimes zzz's ß waI wake up too much during that process and therefore can't get back to sleep but I also know that towards the end of my sleep cycle I can usually get back to sleep but not today. Probably part of the reason also might be it's Sunday morning and that's when I wake up at 6:00 a.m. or try to so I can be ready to go wherever I need to go for breakfast. Today both kids were gone some where exotic I'm sure which basically left Marc Anthony and myself for breakfast which is good. Mark had a lot of comments and discussion regarding his upcoming Russia trip and meeting with some of his individuals he's been coaching over the internet. I hope he's okay I worry about him going to some place like Russia and his naivety regarding how people are out there in the real world. He has a clientele build up that if he really wants to keep busy doing his services for people he'll continue. At least he's now had enough people from the Russia area tell him how it really is. He has had this illusion that rushes a wonderful place to live and that they're just really a happy group of folks which is not the case at all especially with the wars going on in that period of the world right now. He will not be going to Russia as opposed to other places in Europe but he plans to pull together a contingency of the folks he's helping do business work and stuff like that. I'd be tickled if he can turn this into a real live business. Again I'll be tickled when he goes to Europe that he actually has done does European trip and possibly the first of many as he tries to develop an international clientele. I would just love for him to succeed. The summer continues to hold as I was able to sit outside today enjoying the direct sunlight on my body. Supposedly come Thursday we might get some rain and the temperature will drop significantly. That should be okay I don't think I have anything planned out that day so maybe I'll just stick in and watch the weather unfold. Incidents of road rage continue to ravage the highways and byways of Salt Lake County. 

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