Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday's wishes

 I plugged my power chair in last night was a little concerned but went on good faith. As soon as I plugged in the machine the little blinking light that's on the front of the charger turned Amber which it is supposed to do after blinking three or four times it became a constant Amber glow. I read for 45 minutes then turn the light off and got situated in the bed the way that I like and then turned on my side to see if the amber light was still showing which it was which gave me some feeling of Hope. I didn't drive the charger to wear I could see it from my space in bed easily. I had to actually lift myself up and then stretch a little bit then I was able to see the amber light. Bodily I slept till 5:30 a.m. which is a great feat for me. That means I will be fairly awake for the rest of the day. And sure enough when I looked at the charger the amber light had turned green which means that the batteries are charged. With that in mind after Melissa was done and I've been showered and dressed and placed in my chair it was now time to see how well the battery had charged. The initial and best test I figured I could do would be to settle up and head over to the market to pick up a few things that I might need in the next couple days since the weather is supposed to be inclement and I don't know how much I want to be out in the rain possibly even sleep. I made the trip with the little issue at all and the battery seem to be working fine I dropped two or three points on the meter from 100% by the time I gotten back to the apartment. I was still showing about 95% charge. I don't know how much further I could have gone or I should have gone but that was it for today. I was able to get a couple rolls of quarters I wanted to be sure I had quarters for Gloria who is supposed to show up on Friday to do some cleaning around the apartment. Quarters has always been her basic need as far as keeping her clothes clean so I always try to have some. I don't want to go into it here but there does seem to be an issue of Disappearing roles of quarters from the apartment here which mildly stresses me out. Cuz that means either somebody's coming in while I'm gone and finding the quarters and not the other little stashes of money I have or it's and inside job and that kind of breaks my heart. And actually, maybe I'm not losing any of the quarters maybe I've spent them all are they been used in the washing procedure. I know wash clothes every week but I don't know if I've gone through a couple rolls of quarters. Until proven otherwise I'm going to keep this somewhat quiet and put the blame on myself for one reason or another. I have quarters now though enough to cut through next week and the week after who knows how long. Give Gloria her quarters when she shows up and then maybe get another roll or two just so I have backup and maybe I'll watch this a little bit closer…

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