Friday, October 18, 2024

Money Woes

I've been trying not to get panicked all day which has been fairly effective All Things Considered. After another crack of the bed this morning and having Melissa check underneath the bed to look all through the bed she found that once again the motor and mechanism that raises the top part of the bed has again cracked and broke so I no longer have the convenience of the top part of the bed which Rises up. Like I said this should be freaking me out but I've gotten kind of used to it because it's happened a couple of other times and at least I know I can make the transfer though it's a little spooky. We'll have to see how well I do tomorrow. This morning I actually got the bed to rise a little bit enough to transfer now I'll just have to see how well I can do it build up some muscle that I can make the transfer with and not freak out so much. I spent part of the day trying to find my records on how I fixed the bed the last time all I know is it cost me it seems pretty close to 4 or $500 which I just don't have right now. I mean I have it but I've got other things I need to spend it on and or just keep it for safe keeping. Of course this comes right on the end of thinking I may have to get another set of batteries for the power chair I'm using which could be up to $400 for new batteries and maybe $300 for used. I was totally freaked out when I didn't even remember that I went through this on the 24th of July of this year! Melissa totally remembered the situation and it happened the same way that cracking sound and breaking of the motor and then me having to replace everything and having somebody local who was able to fix it. So the bed, batteries for the chair and another thing I can't really remember what the cost was or what the item is but it seems like it was around 4 or $500 too. Each one of these things could seriously set me back to poverty Maybe- - like I said I can survive this if I really had to with the money I have in savings and such and maybe that's what it's for and I have to learn to let go of this kind of stuff and use the resources what resources are for. I just got to figure out something to do with this bed and why it's breaking on me every 5 or 6 months that doesn't seem fair or right. Actually regarding the batteries I do have a phone call into Cameron at the wheelchair shop to see if this chair I'm in would fall under the premise of having the company provide more batteries. A little sketchy thinking wise on this concept because it seems like they do are supposed to replace batteries on the chair they sell for the lifetime of the chair but I don't know for sure and of course today Cameron wasn't in the office and won't be until Monday and so I've got things on hold until then wheelchair battery wise. If I can get this taken care of then I can devote more money to the bed.

Speaking of chairs that have been needed repairs and such. Kent called me this morning was going to bring over the chair today that he's been working on the repair of the lights and possible foot box. Long story short he wasn't able to make it today or actually he could have made it but I wasn't ready to have it back to be honest with you. I've got to really find another place to store the backup chair. But I do need to have a backup chair that's evident but I just got to find one that works for me and has a decent foot box everything's comes back down to the fact that I need to fix the power bed..

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