Friday, October 04, 2024

Time killers

Remember how I wind last night about not writing anything probably made it sound like I didn't have the time or whatever. Truth of the matter is I have the time probably more than enough time but I don't use it wisely. I've got myself involved into two things that probably eat more of my time than I want to admit to but I think it's probably best if I disclose what I can. The first item I tend to time abuse is getting caught in watching videos on either my tablet or my cell phone. These innocuous little pieces of time add up an evening. Like possibly I would like to get to bed before 11:30 p.m. but what happens even if I get into my bedroom and start getting ready for bed around 10:00 I pick up either my tablet or my cell phone probably trying to con myself into believe it I'm looking for late messages since I turned the sound off of my cell phone at 10:00 in the evening so I can get through the evening or the night without being woken up by notifications. I shut my phone off from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and it seems to work just fine. But after checking for new messages or texts I get enticed by different images feeds from video platforms. I don't mean to but I watch one alligator eating something then I watch another animal eating something or other items on different platforms and soon I'm finding out that it's 11:00 and I still have to get ready for bed which takes another 45 minutes if I'm fortunate at least it seems like it does. All I know is that rarely do I get to bed before 12:00 a.m.. if I'm fortunate enough to get to bed by 11:00 p.m. then I like to read till I get sleepy. Which still takes me to 12:00 a.m. but I feel a little bit more comfortable at least reading and not necessarily flipping through videos.

The other item which takes a lot of my time more so than I want to admit is I've really started doing these puzzles called crypto families that I get the magazines for. It's an interesting puzzle that I got involved with after I had done cryptograms for some time. I used to do a cryptogram every day because it was in the paper especially at work where I was the only one who really did any of the puzzles. The Crypt of family is a pretty interesting diversion which I really like and wish I was better at but takes a lot of time. I keep a cryptogram or a crypto family Graham on a clipboard on my table so when I get up in the morning or go to bed at night it's there I can either work on a cryptogram start a new cryptogram or work on one I've been working on for some time. I cheat way too much but I play the game the way I want to though. I keep the answers on the back of the book or magazine ready to look at many times I don't have to look at the cheats at all and able to solve the Crypt by myself I like that makes me feel accomplished. I start getting ready for bed around 10:00 p.m. every night if I'm lucky. That's what I take my last medications and then I try to get to to bed I keep the medications in the kitchen by the kitchen table of course which means there's a clipboard with a puzzle waiting to be done. I take my meds usually and try to do at least one puzzle or finish one that's already in the process. I then still have to go to the bathroom and finish by prepping to go to bed which takes another 20 to 30 minutes sometimes. You know brush the teeth floss the teeth the whole nine yards. Between these two events however I know I'm wasting hours of time that never can be made up. Oh, after that my predilection to enjoy Disney plus or the other platform net something. I'm usually pretty good about cutting everything off by 12:00 midnight. I'm usually two or three pages into the current book I'm reading I'm able to close everything down and turn over and go to sleep but sometimes I feel like I could be doing so much more or should be doing so much more…

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